
I think that Puerto Rico is part of the US Olympic team...

Milk is awesome.

If they stopped, it wouldn’t lower your taxes. I hope you know that.

I’ll say it again....


Note to Robert Reed: Quit fucking defending the rich. You will never join their ranks.

Anyone else ever notice that these “lost productivity” fuckheads never have a word to say about CEO graft?

Ayup. That was correct. WCW didn’t really have a black heel until it became a national company.

Ruh roh! I told the uncomfortable truth!

There’s a reason you had race riots.

Except that he paints the fans as racists in the process.

Pro wrestling’s Cowboy Bill Watts was renowned for always building his wrestling promotions around a big black face*. He was fired from the Turner organization in the 1990's for public racist comments.

So......is Kaepernick a natural athlete who is also gritty?

Please don’t be vague. What’s the reason? Because I know that Ravens fans tend to be fairly black, so why the difference?

 Why should they care about more? People work for money and benefits, not out of some samurai-like loyalty to an outfit that has proven time and time again that they don’t give two shits about them.

Because some people don’t want to believe that there are hard-working minorities, and they REALLY don’t want to believe that there are lower-class whites who are just like their preconceived notion of minorities.

Um, Mr. Duquette?

I’m worse. I’m a Chiefs fan.

And half of them are lies.

75 cents a day?!? Who do you think Tomsula is, Rockefeller!?!