
Because no one will tell them the ugly truth.

Actually no, the world would be a better place if your mother had abortion. Dogshit has more value than you.

Hey everyone! We have an Internet Liar over here!

Sarcasm doesn’t work when you’re white trash.

And this “Take what they give you” attitude is why you’ll always be in a dead end.

I can see that.

I have sympathy for me and those I care for(almost none of whom voted for Trump). Trump Trash who voted against their interests can go get fucked.

And remember, to imagine his death is treason of the highest degree!

“Cut waste”

Never before has the bald eagle represented the American public as accurately as it does now.

We need to save these photos, because they’re going to be GREAT for pranks/blackmail when this guy is impeached.

Ladies and Gentlemen, SweetCaroline. If you wonder if abortion can ever be a good thing, here’s your answer.

“Elitist”—always the favorite insult of mouth-breathing, Keystone Light-swilling, no-shower-taking, cousin-fucking nobodies who can’t even get their GED, and who thinks they are the foundation of this country when in fact, they’re a fucking millstone around this country’s neck. Dogshit has more of a future than you.

Not basketball fans. And not fans who actually have money to spend. And as far as majorities go, look around here.


You think that you made a good argument for War Machine.

All solid points.

Logical points.

To make yourself sound better? Maybe you are, but a LOT of teabagger types like to lie online. 

Well, sorry, but why should I believe you?