
Sorry, but that sounds like something we can reform away.

I know its murder. The trouble with that argument is that....sometimes murder is unfortunately neccessary.

Sooooo glad the Chiefs get the Jets this year.

If true, that’s a great fucking argument for just banning the whole thing.

Two other questions:

......Okay, I just need to ask this.

Nah. See, thing is....I don’t believe you.

Nope. Not interested. You’ve used “lol” twice in 2017. I’m betting that 5 years ago, you wouldn’t go near “that interwebs stuff for geeks” with a 10 foot pole.

That will really be the case this year. Expect a lot of bandwaggoners.

“Can they beat the Cardinals?”

“And which is it?”

To everyone bleating that “You don’t say this when libs endorse LOL”...

Football defensive players of the 1980s-90s, you should have aimed right for the side of his fucking kneecap.

gonorrheaperlman: “I’m gonna fuck you good, sis!”

Yup. We lean towards the left here. Don’t like it? Leave. It’s not like your trailer park dwelling ass can afford anything they advertise anyhow.

Huh. Maybe he should write Claire McCaskill to intervene in the humiliation of his team at the hands of her state’s team this season. It’s worth a try.

To be fair, it’s not like our government cares about Somalia either.

Hey now. I love football, and I don’t care what Elway thinks.

Well, I didn’t really need another reason to hate the Donks, yet here we are.

Boy, I am sure surprised that the offended soul who complained about the F word came from Georgia!