
Has anything good ever happened to a Canadian politician at a Rolling Stones concert?

I hope Demar did something for himself today

And in a crowded building under camera surveillance, in a block crammed with traffic, in a downtown area!

“Kawhi, where did you learn to talk like that?”

Glad to. This is a list of the regions of the United States of America. Hope this helps.

Made for the following people in their entirety:
You, Me

Finally, a video that belongs on Deadspin.

if he keeps playing this brilliantly we’ll have to call him Fred Zeppelin

If this kid is smart, he’ll kill two birds with one bird.

Don’t act like you haven’t thrown a pigeon or bicycle kicked a sea gull at the beach 

To their credit, Jones’s management has been clean ever since.

That’s Special Agent Peanut to you, buddy

that’s unnecessary roughness.

This was not the snow the Mexican and Colombian skiers were promised.

Huh...my money was on somebody from Germany getting pooh’d on.  

Is it farther to Minneapolis, or by bus?

Why is the Super Bowl

Most telling stat for how bad they got their ass kicked was no one on a Thibs coached team played more than 31 minutes.

“There ain’t no North Pole, thus there ain’t no Christmas”

Dad Efficiency Rating (DER)