
i think using that technique though it was a bit easier to get the acting potrayed so much better. the part where nakamura is going mad in the bathroom stall with kasuga is a good example. so much frustrated humanity in that scene. you
dont see that caliber animation and voice acting working together in anime often.


that wasnt a recap at the end it was foreshadowing. next season is gonna be alot headier. =\

they are just young and not yet people at this point. a realistic depiction of humans. kasuga clutches a book he doesnt understand to look contextual. but what is he really? confused angsty and to weak to really be anything

well done.


no. barely i cant wait for more. screw what this piece of shit says

I loved this show. pure feels. effective use of music because it was used so little. The character told us how to feel we didn't need music directing us. And when it hit. Damn. that classroom scene had me crying... I hope we get another season. i couldnt help but read all the manga after the show ended. i need it to

I think you are simply too american for this show. A beautiful tender anime this was. My favorite this season actually. Its feels man just feels. when they wreck that class room and nakamura was smiling. shit brought me to tears. Because i knew at any moment this roller coaster high she was on was gonna end and she

too bad i cannot bring myself to play skyrim any longer. used to be my favorite series in gaming. but unless combat gets a lot of work, i just cannot again. the mmo i will try but going in with no expectations

Them bringing up engineering issues makes me believe that rumor was honestly truer than they'd ever have us believe and are now blaming the drm removal for the delay of the family sharing program. To avoid anymore bad pr. I didn't believe the rumor til this convoluted statement to be honest.
They should just hush up


"We took some feedback and realized there was some stuff we needed to add to the program. To add it to the program, we had to make room, just from a pure engineering perspective"

sounds like they never had features they touted near a complete state in the first place.

or the demo rumor was true and they backed out real

can't tell if good news or bad news.
i hope its good.
this isn't the wild west. why should anyone walk around swinging a deadly weapon?

Don't get me wrong i don't blame them. i blame the people who hosted this contrived affair to cash in on these poor kids. Who didn't put together a real environment for these people to be free and it not matter what they are doing with themselves.

Don't throw glow sticks. Like cmon. You're supposed to be lucky or

no one here is enjoying their selves thats what this video points out everyones awkward uncertain movements. a true rave by "Definition" because every word has a definition. is so loud pulsing hot and jumping. you have no choice but to be free move well and not care about uncertainties. its the point of the damn

thats no rave. its a collection of people who never experienced a rave trying to force the experience on themselves.

i cant wait for the next movie. gah. the last one was one hell of a ride.

its been so long since ive been excited for a ff title! they've all been letdowns for me fo too long now


beautiful looking. link me