
but consoles are built a hell of a lot closer to pc architecture this time and if you read around youl find multiple developers talking about building awesome ass looking games on pc hardware and working on scaling it back to working condition for the consoles with far superior pc editions being a viable thing in the

all console titles will be built on pcs this gen and tested on debug units this time around more likely. so we are going to see pretty optimized games for each.

thats memory bandwith for only 32 mbs of ram sir

if you read up on what they intend to do with it that is in the works. they want to get as many players in a world without ruining the integrity of it. so long as the engine they use can handle it with ease im sure we will see that happening. and it would be superb

from what i read on the site that is planeed in further updates. its pretty early to judge. looks completely charming and beautiful. i want to lan party with some mates asap

i love the style. less is more. id rather a game look like mario 64 and be able to fly to the sun and still squint and see where i was then have high res pop can art

more $
they are going the same route as minecraft

im in love with the idea of this game.
i hope whoever is behind these attacks suffers some horrible curse

sorry i see now you're just a right wing nut to the fullest extreme using primate whim and a bit of articulation to scare away others and win battles

i feel sorry for your pathetic world ruining kind

god bless merika n gunzz

how much does microsoft pay you?

unfortunately until we have them in hand we wont know how all the services and features flow. and even then with software updates im sure over time the field will always be going back and forth a bit.

i know i dont need aps or skype on my console honestly just games. and as of now ps4 seems to have more of its power


theres lots of links that talk all about it very clearly supporting direct x man. they built it as a pc friendly development environment

and sony is investing very heavily into cloud based servers as well, there isnt that big of a difference in the machines besides the os footprints

why are future xbox one day one owners so cray cray

if your saying a console 50-60% more powerful and is a hundred dollars cheaper is less i guess you're right /s

talk about only reading headlines. you dont know what you are talking about. development for ps4 has been in motion since 2007/2008 the games were on only couple month long builds atleast they were actually running on dev kits unlike almost every game supposedly shown for xbone running on 4k dollar pcs

i liked when you bought a fighting games and didnt have to pay for alternate costumes. giving you a very hard look injustice cant even give me a free damn palate swap seriously. i will never buy costumes. but dlc is good when its something they are genuinely putting heart into it to make you hold onto that game. its

your ranting tmi without knowing many facts. ps4 can drop and load games in an instant. has special hardware set aside for those features inside. and supports all current pc coding languages DX11 especially included. Sont went specifically with that ram setup because all the developers asked for it in the

your forgetting indie titles and the fact that sony has stated several times they havent even shown all the launch titles yet.
warframe will be a launch title and its f2p along with possibly planetside 2 at launch

I did that watching the newest beserk movie when guts lost his arm it was just so intense wet and visceral >.> i had to rewind and turn it up and replay it

sword of the stranger is amazing as is puppet princess. but only paprika competes as far as great story and audio wash are concerned.

i like vampire hunter but i think they are kinda overrated
the new hellsing ultimate was more enjoyable type of affair