
its only 720p maybe 30fps on X1. so far its looking to be 1080p on ps4 at a confirmed 60fps. everyone i know is surprisingly jumping microsoft ship and going with ps4 version this time

/s i hope...

will baths be involved in scoring the whole series?

Fallout and the Souls titles were all that really mattered looking back. i spent most of this gen revisiting classics and being disappointed, left waiting.

you know whats scary. the new ugly ass set up for this site. i come here 90% less because its such an ugly mess.

looks like a scene more fitting in one of the lastest installments of resident evil

doesnt really look that way


im getting one of these puppys i dont see why everyones so mad.

excited about sunday without god. will look into the others. and can i say i really dislike this new site arrangement? its busy and unappealing. i keep having to leave the site because it just looks to messy for me. hope it doesn't stay this way or i honestly wont come here as often.


minecraft is foremost a pc game . microsoft had nothing to do with it.

lol but its like any dream you dont wake up and tell someone about or ponder right away long enough to remember, without going right back to bed. it just fades away. they perfectly captured that affect so wonderfully

thats kinda different though. theres no look at me ness to it. which everyone in the world knows its you. yah know?

my ex girlfriend started cosplaying for attention. its not far fetched

i want good rpgs that are high fantasy. mass effect was made aren't you happy enough with that?

swords and spells>guns and nanobots

no more marines please

id hope itd be like that every time, seems truly terrifying.

One piece is something dangerous you have to remember. everyone is pretty terrified robin knows some shit but she plays it cool. it will be a crazy troubling arc in itself. luffys damn father is still out there somewhere. lots of stones to turn. The princess of the underwater island is god damned ragnorak.

seriously we've had what one chapter this whole damn year. it kills me wondering what will be.

cant wait