
1st Gear

I miss worded it, I’m typing before enough coffee.  I meant: the probable cause that gets them to want to search your car can be used as probable cause to get a warrant to search your car. Not the refusal part.

You can refuse consent, it makes your life harder as they can use that probable cause to hold you while they get a warrant.

I don’t know about Canada, but if you can prove the radar gun was defective you can get all evidence from it thrown out of court and any charges based on it dismissed.

Those countries will have to ban all travel through their borders until an effective vaccine or the end of time to maintain that. Our modern global world will not let their eradication succeed forever

Isn’t the Volvo V90 full sized?

I know people that bought fully loaded LTZ Silverado 1500's when they first implemented that rule because the less optioned 1500's didn’t weigh enough. These were small business owners that never cared for luxury trucks but the tax savings changed their mind.

If you want to see proper vigilantism you need to watch the Death Wish series. 

Not to be a jerk, but the crops being plowed is because the supply chain those farms sell to is unique for restaurant service not grocery stores. The industry hasn’t been able to retool their packaging systems quickly enough to switch this food from commercial packaging to consumer, leading to farmers having no

Revenue is not profit or loss.  The revenue for the quarter is likely down several billion dollars.  They have cut costs along with revenue.  They stop purchasing raw materials while mills are shut, they furlough or layoff as much staff as possible, reduced energy consumption at closed plants, etc...  With this they

You are a monster, have a star.

But it’s not like the industry will be gone for good if these cruise lines go belly up. Other businesses will be formed or their healthier competitors will swoop in and buy the ships from the bankrupt companies for bargain basement prices and continue business. The impact to the Florida economy will be short lived.

It is impossible to ban bad business practices. Also the last thing we want to is to ban failure, our system relies on old businesses failing as new take over.

Always amazes me when items last so far past their proper life expectancy.

How expensive is your electricity if a newer fridge and ac saves $100 a month. My central air and garage fridge are both over 20 years old and my highest bill seen in the peak of summer is around $250 (that’s including natural gas). That’s keeping my house at 68-70 and not running a programmable thermostat.

Most of the companies affected by the MyPayRollHR incident. The companies sent in the payroll and the money for it to MyPayRoll HR to take the taxes and write the final checks then the founder of MyPayRollHR stole the money. Not all of the companies were prepared to fund payroll a second time for that week and it

Where are you located? Where I work we can’t get employees, we’re a small manufacturer in a small town and have been raising our starting wage regularly. Then when we get people 2 out of 3 don’t work out.  

You mean put a really high nominal rate, but then let them deduct everything money is spent on:

Well acording to a coworker of mine, these are “investments” they are the best at everything and therefore must be protected. He pays over $600 a month for his and stores it 8 months of the year to protect it from weather. He paid a hefty dealer markup as it was the “only one left” when he bought it, something like

All these schools need the endless supply of easy money reduced. Students don’t fully understand how loans work, they just see free money. And when the moneys free you don’t put the same effort in to ensure your receiving whats best from it. Colleges see this, they know a shiny student center and fancy housing will