The Bolt showed that Americans don’t really buy small cars. The best it ever sold was like 23k per year.
The Bolt showed that Americans don’t really buy small cars. The best it ever sold was like 23k per year.
Did they remember that small cars don’t sell in the US? Heck, small EV’s don’t sell well in America. The Bolt, Leaf, e-Mini, e-Golf... no small EV has been a smashing sales success. None of them.
fully agree- all the vaccinated people are welcome to wear a helmet while driving as well too, “just to be extra safe”
Yeah, well, no matter what I do in-game, I don't flirt with the barmaid in real life, either.
Every new study of the vaccines seems to confirm that they really are miracles, and yet every day on Twitter there are people who seem almost gleeful that Delta may lead some places to reinstitute mask mandates and other mitigation measures. They like to cite the poorly-framed story about half of the new infections in…
Wait wait wait, wasn’t masking about not propagating the virus rather than protecting yourself? Wasn’t it proved masks don’t protect you from breathing in micro-particles?
Jose had the right make, just the wrong model. Early 90's MK VII. The tried and true Ford 302 is second only to the SBC for aftermarket parts availability. These things are cheap (the one in Chicago I found is only $3999) and have some reasonable safety features (ABS, airbags) to keep the kid safe in the event of…
The obvious answer is a Crown Vic. Easy to work on, can be sort of fast, and the parts are basically free.
I’m just trying to understand the thought to do this in a densely populated area containment vehicle or not. Things fail. People know this.
So we just need to get all 195 countries to mandate fiber optic lines?
Good grief. You realize this is targeted to rural areas where they still have dial up or DSL AT BEST, right? But yeah, screw having options right? Better to have ISP monopolies that can charge whatever they want in areas where people have no other choice.
You think this is only for the USA? And only for areas reachable by highways? Try running fiber to a commercial airliner over the Pacific or to the freighters carrying your latest toy to Amazon distribution centers.
“I guess he could always use some of that totally real, liquid $170 billion he is said to have!”
“disrupts *cough* into an existing service”
You obviously haven’t experience ComCrap internet, they can’t figure out how to waterproof the connectors, so every time it rains or has a buildup in condensation from overnight humidity, the internet goes out.
But it needs the same disclaimer that Fox lawyers used for Tucker Carlson: “No intelligent person would ever believe anything this man says.”
So by this logic we should just give up on all sats? Also no need to launch the James Webb telescope I guess?
Its not $1000 Brad. The user terminals are $500USD. You put down a $99 deposit and then when you get magically picked to participate in the “Beta” program they charge the remainder and a shipping charge. Ask me how I know.
“Sorry rural folks, you can’t have decent Internet because something might happen in the next 0-1000 years that would cost a lot of money to fix.”
“Aren’t these rich people the worst?”