The “stealth” wealth is also why the GMC Denali exists, it costs get up there into Cadillac territory but without the bling branding
The “stealth” wealth is also why the GMC Denali exists, it costs get up there into Cadillac territory but without the bling branding
Your not taxed on the value of them, only capital gains for any shares which are sold and appreciated in value and dividends which are paid. The wealthy pay the taxes on those parts as well.
In stead of playing with wealth taxes and inheritance taxes we should start by eliminating the step up cost basis upon death. When an asset is sold no matter how many generations have owned it it should have capital gains taxed based on the total gain. And the story that records may be lost so they can’t prove the…
He’s not playing a sympathy card for Bezos. Hes thinking logically about what happens when he has to dump a large amount of his shares annually to the stock price, which is also held by many normal folks in pension funds, 401k’s, IRA, and regular investment accounts.
And a VAT also has huge compliance costs due to all the accounting. Every business in a supply chain has to pay it then deal with getting credits for the raw material taxes paid. Its a system that highly benefits the accounting industries at the cost of everyone else.
Pretty sure your missing krodes1's point. There is a reason these crashes were not in the US. While parts malfunctioned and behaved slightly differently than normal malfunction the fix was the exact same. Historically the electric trim has a tenancy to run away and there is a switch designed to disengage it, that same…
Upstate NY, north of Albany. We carry in 5 gallon cans from the gas station Stewart’s which sell premium ethanol free. It’s in the mid $3 range depending on which station ad when. I have purchased any in a month or so.
I’m sorry to hear its not available by you. I’m in upstate New York and a few years ago a local chain Stewarts started carrying ethanol free premium and now other stations are starting to as well.
I know many middle income and fixed income middle class retirees that fly and own their plane. They all have 1970's or older aircraft, and do what maintenance they can themselves. They ensured their aircraft are able and legal to use auto fuel to save money.
They changed the physical, now after your first you only need to have your regular Dr. fill out a form and you take a course. AOPA offers a compliant course and test for free.
For many small older aircraft they are able and legal with the STC to use auto fuel as long as its ethanol free.
Many small airports have “clubs” which own one or more airplanes which you share. The one at my local airport typically has one plane and about 10 members, rarely did people have conflicts over flying time. During the clubs peak in the 70's I heard they had 3 planes and many more members.
This is how its always been, just years ago we had anti trust enforcement. When they got too big we made them break up or shrink back down. Now we let them become to big to fail, bail them out, and then grow bigger.
The best thing I have near me is one Dunkin location where they bake the donuts for all the other local stores. Every time you go in the bakery one it smells amazing.
They do make LED bulbs rated for closed fixtures.
Also most LED bulbs can not be used in closed fixtures like most ceiling lights. They will overheat themselves without airflow. If your installing LED bulbs in closed fixtures you need to buy ones specifically made for the application.
I bet if you looked at the majority of Breweries they are so small there is only one maybe two of those positions and they are filled by the owner(s). This is more likely related to the lack of female owners and founders of breweries. The vast majority of a breweries staff will be in brewing and server positions.
This is why the federal rate should be set at a level based on the average costs of the country and states or local governments should set there own relative to cost of living in their districts.
The state needs to remove the MTA from its authority, set up a regional governing and taxing authority for the MTA covering the parts of the state it serves. Let those that use it have full control.
It would purely be from hosts of sites where users upload there own content and the liability these hosts have to remove the revenge porn within a certain time frame. I like to think all reasonable people agree revenge porn should be illegal but whats a reasonable requirement on the third party to remove the offending…