
Google Ryan+Inner City, and Regan+Welfare Queens.

I actually posted quite a few links check my post history.

I don't know. The GOP narrative says it doesn't happen to white people.

Read the article links in my post history to this thread. I can't be bothered to post them again.

Remember Regan's Welfare Queen?

Close your eyes and tell me what is the first image that comes to your mind, and be honest.

Here you can have a list of people who endorsed Cliven Bundy too.

2 seconds on google fella.

Republicans tell me there are no white people on welfare. This story is a fabrication.


Black men have problems of their own granted.

Mr. Burton, I just want to say I have always apprecited you as a role model.
Thanks for being a positive image of a black man for White America.

Kudos, I almost didn't detect the sarcasm, lol.

How is the racial diversity at bam80?

First Hill. Now Oldman.

It was bitter sarcasm. I am a black guy.

Look I have white friends so I know there are good ones.
But generally black people need to learn to be wary of white people because they are dangerous.

Look what nearly happened to the black man in this story. Whites know that they get the benefit of the doubt, that they are good, innocent, and pure, and they can use

I did condition it with #notallwhitepeople.
See its not all of you!

I am a bitter paranoid black guy.