
It was/it is never innocent until proven guilty in the US for African Americans.

Wow, that is gold.
What is the source?

He wasn't arrested. He was questioned. In handcuffs. With his shirt pulled over his head. After his home was surrounded by snipers. And multiple cops in armor and camoflage. And had to negotiate an escort out of his house over the phone with a third party. For 5 hours.

White people don't commit crimes.—Media Narrative

Do you think they showed up with snipers when they arrested the two white boys?

Because Police in America have never been known to coerce confessions, manufacture evidence, or withhold evidence in cases against black males when white society KNOWS THEY DID IT.

It can take up to 41 to 50 shots to bring down a buck like this!

To be fair he is a black man. While white people tolerate blacks, they generally think they are dangerous requiring higher scrutiny. Its good to remind them of that with demonstrations of force lest they return to wilding and knockout games.

Cody Oakes, 25, an operations manager for J.P. Morgan, had been ready to walk out the door with a duffel bag in his hand to go to football practice. (He plays quarterback and wide receiver for the Bellingham Bulldogs, a semi-pro team.) He'd noticed heavily armed police in camouflage marching down the road.

You called it.

Recipe for Mass Violence:

Young Person + Lack of Opportunities + No Investment in the future (unable to have children)

As scarcity in the 21st century becomes more and more apparent, I fully expect more cases like this falling on America's tried and true scapegoat, black people, to help keep the peace.

Put a few black people in camps/jail/ground to quiet the anger of whites. It has worked repeatedly in America's history, its not

But isn't this a libertarian's dream?
The market saw a need and adjusted. We all win!

Let me remind you that kids in Minority school districts won't be getting any protection from these because they can't afford them.

Not that they would work in any case.

I don't follow. Can you give more detail?

The goal isn't to protect ALL children in the United States.
The Goal is to protect WHITE/RICH children in the United States.

I will just share this link.
This has been dicussed to death by PoC groups already.
As usual mainstream (is Jezebel even mainstream?) media is behind the curve.

Its a shame his superior Asian genes got mixed in with White. Actually that may be the cause of his deviance.

Asians are genetically predisposed to following the rules, whites are much more unstable (ie mass shootings/serial killers/etc).

Still, policy based on the science should dictate that more resources should be spend educating and making use of the superior intelligence of Indians and East Asians.

I mean look at tech, unarguably the growth industry of the future. They dominate. We should shift those resources currently being wasted on whites and

I have read them. But I am certain I saw Pisa throwing Wade's "Science" in peoples face a couple of days ago, so wanted to try it.