I think this is the end result of white culture's tendency to give white males and females more lienency and less scrutiny when it comes to criminal acts.
I think this is the end result of white culture's tendency to give white males and females more lienency and less scrutiny when it comes to criminal acts.
Can I give you a small hint?
The person you are replying to is trying to validate his own racism by trying to rationalize it out, and is looking for others to validate it.
This is not the first thing they do....
If you think this is how cops addressed black men in 1984 or even now, I have news for you.
I have never been called SIR by a cop in my 37 years, and I dress and talk like Carlton.
Movie fiction is fun.
Could you imagine a black person trying a prank like this?
I am so happy they embarrassed this woman.
Its does happen.
Pervasive? No. Be real.
Have you read: How Non-Violence Helps Protect the State? by Peter Gelderloos?
I agree with you, but I also understand that America is not beyond using Internment Camps to deal with Minorities.
Not true. America has plenty of empathy for White People and enforcers of the society that protects them.
Black People? Not so much....
Your belief was a Phallusy?
Wow, that is one uncomfortable White man.
Yup. If you want to get into sick depravity start browsing the self published kindle section.
I used to love diving in there for some really nice sci fi gems. But I stay the hell away after encountering stuff like the above.
Wow I didn't even notice that. WTF is a Cuddle fish?
I can't stand it, myself.
USPTO will deny the application.
Just like it has denied all the other attempts similar to this.
Worked for me. Driving down south got pulled over, given a bullshit ticket, I brought an uninterrupted video from my dash showing my interaction with the officer and my speed, judge threw ticket out.