Um... did that Panda go from yawn, stretch into... um.. "cleaning itself?"
Um... did that Panda go from yawn, stretch into... um.. "cleaning itself?"
If you are Black or any other Minority (even Asian) make sure you have a dash cam that records your speed either directly or visually. It will prove invaluable in court.
Never shop-lifted. I am Black. What to white kids is just the product of angst that they will outgrow, to a black kid is a forever mark of genetic predisposition to crime.
Its funny and clever because its White People singing a Black People song like White People!
Nevermind. Went too damn far.
Just want to add.
There will always be foaming at the mouth racists. Its a coping mechanism, no matter how bad things are going in their lives its comforting to many White people to have the notion that even when they hit rock bottom, they are still better off than that Black person in the nice car.
These people will…
I will add this to the list of things you can't do while black without getting shot.
I just don't reply to those types of people.
The problem is that the kids in these frats will eventually become future leaders, managers, and job creators. The simple fact that the party raises the questions you are asking troubles me.
I want you to honestly tell me that you think these kids see any subtle differences between gangs like the crips and their fellow black students.
My question is: If the ship launched during the late 50s/early 60s, why are there black people on it whatsoever?
Society mores of the day wouldn't give me the impression that putting black people on a lifeboat would be a high priority then.
Ah, alas, if only they heeded Queen Elizabeth I when she wanted to get rid of all those "Blackamores" in England!
I got the gist, but I wanted to point out that you will be running from a place that has made SOME racial progress to a place that in many ways is still mired in the early 2oth century.
Canada is just as bad or WORSE than the United States in regards to race issues.
It just seems better because there is less dialog.
The way they treat First Nations people is atrocious.
You are making the mistake thinking that FoxNews considers Blacks and Latinos people.
I disagree: White America is flaunting the privilege it holds dear and will protect at all costs.
If you got it flaunt it. What can a Black Person do? Protest?
The White Community will just use that to further oppress and justify supremacy.
You are a lizard person sleeper agent.
You heroically agreed to have your mind suppressed, and an inferior mammalian one imprinted on your Cerebral Network Interface. You have been sent to the surface to lie in wait for the signal that will awaken your true superior reptilian mind.
Once received you will kill the human…