
True. You would be hard pressed to find any comments that will EVER call him a thug even though he's a murderer who committed multiple crimes.

Listen guys. You might think it would be a good idea to warn young black kids to not do this to stay safe... but I'm told that ALSO makes the police really upset.

Now playing

Interesting read though I think the title should Post-Ferguson America, not World as it implies the US is the only country that matters and ignores many countries have been through what the US is going through at the moment like the UK in the early 80s where a lot of great works about the subject.

To make food that looks horribly unappetizing?

To gross me out?

At the SDCC panel the producer said that it was a "progressive project" and that the African Americans were treated like any other member of the crew. Because JFK was a great leader for civil rights and all that. (sarcasm)

Because the Mangalyaan is not actually a probe but an orbiter that does not have to withstand atmospheric reentry, doesn't run on a radioisotope thermoelectic generator, is much lighter than the Curiosity (only 15kg vs. ~1500kg) and therefore takes a less powerful launch vehicle to get into space, has the benefit of

I agree that we shouldn't associate gang activity with black people (and I personally do not), but the problem is that this country DOES associate gang activity and crime with black people. I think the outrage over things like this is that people don't think a bunch of white frat members who have probably never had a

Once upon a time, it was different.

Basically everybody ever to be shown getting into a mech.

It was an honest mistake... she meant to call them thugs.

Powerful imagery, but unfortunately the narrative retorts to this one run down along well worn tracks. There's got to be some way to move the conversation past these initial point / counterpoint / counterpoint / counterpoint cycles.

I feel like the author is trying to tell us something...

I used to register Republican. I register Libertarian now. I live in a state were only 2% of the population is black and less than that hispanic. We have a lot of welfare recipients. I would have never said what you claim republicans claim. Your claim is a fabrication (Republicans probably wouldn't even tell you the