James Bond's Herpes Meds

I’ve concluded that whomever wins the sportsball game will win the sportsball game then just go try to win the sportsball game again, with another team, after they get traded.

Most people who played with Barry Bonds sure do hope so.


Bloods vs. Scripps

+23/25 on driver’s test

This comment is underrated. +1

The Los Angeles Lakers of 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014 would like to speak to you about arrogance.

If she wins, does that mean Fox News goes away too?

If you stick an electrode up my pee pee, we are THROUGH.

You’re missing a very important point here: there is no longer any excuse for someone in North Carolina to be uneducated about these topics, so your argument about it being “daily life” falls way short.

You mean to tell me that a bunch of twentysomething Ivy Leaguers are suppressing opinions they don’t agree with?


Personally, I think the coach should Apollogize for his actions.

Nobody who's asked to leave New York should be that angry about it.

Man, Robin Williams sure did gray quickly.

“Not tactical enough.” - Anders Breivik

If it’s anything like how Big Ben and James Harrison are knighted by Steelers fans, we know how this will look.

I’m proud of you throughout this entire scenario - your integrity, your honest emotions, and your holding fast to what’s fair.

I’m still waiting for the hot take from his cousin, Craven.

I guess that's what happens when you purchase your tennis equipment at Crate and Barrel.