Hayden Lorell

GTI - Don’t get it, never have. Seems like a car that is mediocre at most things and good at nothing. Add in VW’s legendary “reliability” and I can’t understand the appeal.

Is your lawyer the former mayor of New York?

Like my lawyer always says, “Make sure you record your felonies on video.”

I’m sorry they associated that video with my name. My intent is always and only to sensitize my followers to similar acts of villainy. My mistake was probably not to specify that it was a complaint.

God I love that meme

And thousands of weird nerds looked up to the sky and saw the Tesla signal. Elon needs you to run damage control!

Nothing says “confidence in the longevity of our product” like cutting the warranty to roughly 1/5 what it was

Fox News?

Trump 2020,Liberty University.

Let’s assume for a moment that NASCAR reinstates Larson. What sponsor would ever want him driving a car with their logo on the side?

Eh, there’s 7.5 billion people and a pandemic on.  A few tesla owners less isn’t a tragedy

After seeing the pictures, David Tracy is now on his way to Indiana with a pocket full of cash.

I was under the impression those court records were sealed, you’ll be hearing from my attorney.

GodDAMN I like your style.

That is a really shitty plan.

I would go to the local hospital and use the phone there to call him and tell him his wife died. Then wait for the 5 trucks of manure I previously coordinated with to dump on his front lawn blocking his door while he’s gone.

Seems like a “grasping at straws” effort to liven up a sport that has been boring since about 2006.

“I bought a Volkswagen Tiguan.. for my wife.” You are without question the worst husband in the history of human mating.

All great questions. This article should be a thought exercise along the lines of “what would happen if the ban went into effect tomorrow?”

Instead, we have from-the-hip word vomit with absolutely zero critical thought put into it. Like most things Raph and Erik spit out, this take seems to be nothing more than being

Though it doesn’t seem to be widely in the news, the picture of where he ultimately got pulled over just makes the whole story.