
Sir, you are god damned national hero. I will be stealing this joke should a Wade Philips article come around. Huzzah!

Any word on the Critical Failures Adaptation? Those Bevan books are goddamned funny, and I can’t wait to see them on the TVs.

Jesus H. Christ, are people still blaming third party candidates? Hillary lost because she was a turd candidate. Lots of people drop the Hard N without a second thought. Perhaps address that, the democratic party’s dysfunction, and pathetic voter turn out before blaming people voting their conscience. Until then,

Oh you poor, poor dipshit. Hillary sucked, Donald sucked worse. The democratic apparatus is fucking joke, but rather than take some ownership of your dysfunctional party point the finger. Democrats will continue to lose until you collectively pull your heads out of your asses.

Wrong. I have zero issues with GMO’s. Have you had a grape with fucking seeds? THE.WORST. GMO for life.

He is also seen at 0:42. Thin arms with moobies needing that kind of support. That’s a tough draw in life.

Nature 1, dipshit 0. Mmmmmm sweet just desserts.

I watched all of that and she didn’t get mutilated. Thanks Obama....

Thank fucking God i’m not the only one. I didn’t even bother with the second book. Kvothe (what a fucking hack DND newbie name that is, enough with the z, k, v, thirty straight consonants, and meaningless apostrophes names) is the WORST. Superman is a less phoned in Mary Sue. Every character is an absolute

Nihilist Arby’s is a Top-20 twitter follow.

100% correct on all fronts. Fuck JJ. Arby’s for life.

Carter Cutlery if you can afford it. I bought my chef’s knife from them years ago. Best decision of my life.

I like my Vikings takes to include DnD references. You pass this week, Drew.

When will this city embrace itself? Just be the fucking “Hookers”.

Wrong. Look at what our government spends servicing debt. Tell me that money is better used elsewhere. Pay in cash, don’t take on unnecessary debt; it’s true for you, me, and Uncle Sam.

I read this article for the comments. You ma’am, are a goddamned hero.

I’m a registered libertarian, and had either party put forth a candidate that had a solid plan to decrease our national debt, I would have cast that vote without hesitation. Neither major party candidate was interested in that though.

10-4. That wasn’t super clear in the first post.

I haven’t thought about Sunset Riders in 20 years. That shit was the best.