
Outlaw third parties? Pump the brakes, Vlad. We live in the USA, and can run as what I want and vote for who I want. Fuck you.

Over 100 million didn’t vote + shit candidate = Trump. The math is pretty easy.

Over a 100 million people DIDN’T vote. Fuck you for saying this is even a tiny bit the fault of the people exercising their right as they see fit. Want to win? Don’t put up a turd soggier than Donald J. Fucking Trump. Also, how many libertarians do you really think prefer Clinton over Trump? We helped Hillary more

LOL, Hillary was a shit candidate. I voted Gary again, and have zero regrets. Gary > Ball Peen Hammer Vasectomy > Evan > Jill > Nuclear Armageddon > Donald > Hillary

103 million eligible voters did not cast a ballot, but your going to motherfuck the ones that did because your lady lost?

I’m older than he is, 50 pounds lighter, 6 inches shorter. Slower, etc.... He will always win. I’m ok with that.

LeBron disagrees. I can practice 24/7 forever and he will always kick my ass at basketball.

Fuck you guy. I just spit coffee all over my monitor.

Republicans trying to get out of the social fucking stone age, but yeah. Gary is ass-backwards on a lot, but wildly better than the other two dipshits.

*Sad Trombone Sound

Rank of Presidential Candidates:

Isle Royale is fucking gem. Sail up there, and enjoy the greatest of lakes.

What about the Johnson/Weld ticket is “crazy”? I’m coming around to them.

That is quite the obscure reference. Well done.

See kids, this right here is a superior troll, and you keep feeding it. Bravo you beautiful prick.

Nuclear? Reliable, no (essentially) emissions, carbon free. But every green peace asshole thinks it’s evil. Not a perfect source by any means, but far and away the best available.

This is the best fucking thing i’ve read all week.

Shitty behavior is shitty. This was shitty. 1100 instances shitty. Seems to be a shitty pattern of shitty behavior. That shitty behavior is a symptom of a shitty attitude about women.

Too Human. Average game, pacific rim style movie it would be amazing.

Love it! Just posted Brigandine, what an awesome game.