Mondrian’s ear

I live in Belgium, which also has a universal but not single-payer system, and I don’t understand why so many progressives seem to think single-payer is the only option. It’s not even the most common type of system among countries with universal care. Beyond that, plenty of single-payer systems have some serious


She might have appeal in a place like rural Appalachia (where they loved the Affordable health care act, but hate it when it’s called Obamacare), but she wouldn’t gain traction in most of the red districts of Alabama.

I love your optimism, but Kentucky is the state that elected Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul. Simultaneously. Multiple times.

Like an heirloom tomato? 

AOC articles are like my morning coffee. I literally cannot make it to work without my first article.  

Please stop lumping progressives in with democrats. Democrats are not a radical anti-semite party, no matter how much you wish it to be. 

Tomato is like this heirloom that everyone hates but no one wants to get rid of.

I think AOC has more appeal in red states than people give her credit for. Things are changing. If Beto almost won Texas, why couldn’t an AOC type progressive win a House seat in deep east Kentucky? The idea that AOC wouldn’t appeal to rural Appalachians is just centrist spin.

Tlaib is a fighter, legit

Someone seriously needs to steal the tomato’s zoloft.

Might be schadenfreude...?

This is exactly the dangerous rhetoric I've been taking about. Thanks for the sample. 

Depends on what your exonerating them from. The initial outrage and calls for violence? Even Kathy fucking Griffin calling for them to be doxxed and various other blue checks calling them irredeemable? Yes, the full story exonerated them from that. Does it mean they did no wrong? No.

Basically, you see what you want to see. The kids were definitely being shitty, outrage was overblown based on initial coverage for sure though. 

Yes, largely debunked, going on the original narrative. They definitely handled it poorly and the chaperone should have had them withdraw. Tomahawk chant was racist. There was a lot going on. They are not, however, Hitler youth, nor do they deserve to be beaten. Maybe removed from that cult like school. 

Anyone who has lived in a major east coast city has been yelled at by Black Israelites,

Welcome to the race to the bottom.

I’ve seen three wishes for his injury and one for his outright death just in this comment section alone.

Why is single payer so necessary for progressives? Switzerland, for example, has an incredible healthcare system that most of the country is happy with, and it’s not single payer. Likewise Germany. Isn’t it better to develop the system that is most effective rather than that which simply sounds best in a slogan?