Mondrian’s ear

I think this is Trump’s end game.  He probably doesn’t give a shit about the wall.  It’s simply a ploy to bankrupt as many government workers as possible.

Which is why we need Medicare for all ASAP.  So that people never have to choose between a leaving a job and filling a cavity.

I’m not so sure I cotton to your logic.  Why should we allow some silly primary to determine the most popular candidate?  That’s backwards reasoning.

The average American is tired of centrist candidates and is ready for a more intersectional progressive politics.

Joe Biden is like an heirloom.  He’s outdated, but everyone’s afraid to remove him from the hothouse.

We need a candidate in the mold of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez or Rashida Tlaib, unapologetic socialists who the average American can relate to.

Stay strong Ruth Bader Ginsburg!!!

What I saw in that interview was a boy with zero humility.

We need to listen to this man and not the libertarian apologists on Twitter.

The goal is for them to put down the lawn jockey and embrace The Other...

Why?  Appalachians are a cultural fit with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in many ways.

What’s extreme about having every American driving a 100% electric car in 10 years?


I’m still so shocked that a high school students could be so callous as to just stare at a Native American leader like that.  What I saw was pretty horrifying, regardless of what these libertarian apologists are saying.

It will be nice to finally see a politician with real brain power like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on the Oversight Committee.  All the centrists are terrified of this incredible woman.

AOC articles are like my morning coffee. I literally cannot make it to work without my first article.  

Tomato is like this heirloom that everyone hates but no one wants to get rid of.

I think AOC has more appeal in red states than people give her credit for. Things are changing. If Beto almost won Texas, why couldn’t an AOC type progressive win a House seat in deep east Kentucky? The idea that AOC wouldn’t appeal to rural Appalachians is just centrist spin.

Rashida Tlaib really is an incredible woman.  It’s so refreshing to see these wonderful new faces in the House.

Fair enough. I’m not a healthcare economist and literally do not know which system is better. I’m more interested in seeing the best system in place rather than the system which simply sounds the best.  If Medicare for all is the best, great!