Mondrian’s ear

Switzerland and Germany, among many others, don’t have single payer, and those healthcare systems are incredibly effective and cover everyone at almost half the price.

Why is single payer so necessary for progressives? Switzerland, for example, has an incredible healthcare system that most of the country is happy with, and it’s not single payer. Likewise Germany. Isn’t it better to develop the system that is most effective rather than that which simply sounds best in a slogan?

Facts???  At the Root???

It’s called the soft bigotry of low expectations.

Thank you!  This outrage culture, a rush to judgement without facts, is sickening.

This is where intersectionality (rather than women’s rights for everyone regardless of race, ethnicity or religion) eventually leads.

Saying, “we condemn anti-Semitism in all its forms” is quite different from saying, “We condemn Farrakhan’s racist statements about Jews.”