Mondrian’s ear

I think this is Trump’s end game.  He probably doesn’t give a shit about the wall.  It’s simply a ploy to bankrupt as many government workers as possible.

Canada is my ally. That’s good enough for me. Dude stole the election, no doubt about it. Like any other dictator. 

Nice graphic to deflect from Maduro’s steps to establish a dictatorship during the 2017 election.

It doesn’t take a PhD in International Relations to know that the guy who succeeded Chavez is an authoritarian sack of shit.

Oh, I tend to ignore all authoritarian bleating. 

When you rig an election, people tend to ignore Maduro’s authoritarian bleating. I’m certainly looking forward to hearing Maduro’s no doubt “honest” reasoning for these diplomatic shenanigans. I don’t see him demanding the other countries diplomats to leave

I don’t get it. I thought the problem was the physical wall. That’s what I object to. To pretend that there is no issue whatsoever with illegal activity along our southern border is ridiculous. Spend 5 billion drops in the bucket on high-tech surveillance equipment to catch drug smugglers, only with the Splinter crowd

Well, it also wouldn’t require the need to seize private land (because much of the proposed wall placement is NOT on federally-owned land) and it’s far less of an environmental catastrophe to wildlife and ecosystems.

While I agree that this is true, I also think it’s fair to look at Samantha’s statements specifically on the topic and think her opinions definitely add up to “Open Borders” even if she’s not willing to explicitly state it. Ditto for a handful of other Splinter writers.

At this point if they can get the govt back open and not give in to a temper tantrum, I’ll take it.

This is more like “what if i give you nothing you want, but keep part of the name in there,” isn’t it?

Sounds good to me, a physical wall is a really dumb idea in the first place.

Better than the far-left lib open border smart wall, which has USB ports so illegals can charge their phones before they walk through the open border door straight into my daughters’ rooms

So... we care about this ...why exactly?

So another 4 years of the orange traitor then?  Because this racist, right-wing, backwards country that is more divided than ever, surely won’t vote trump out for anything but another white male, if we’re lucky. And demopublicans aren’t giving the nomination to Bernie, as we’ve seen before.

Just curious what other people think. Does the President have to be the best example of their party? More specifically, does the Dem nominee have to be the most liberal? Is it not possible to have a more center President and have say, a Democrat majority in the House/Senate that is more liberal, and still be

I’m not so sure I cotton to your logic.  Why should we allow some silly primary to determine the most popular candidate?  That’s backwards reasoning.

Cool, so am I. However, considering this groundswell, such a candidate should fly by in any primary. If the will is strong, than it should be no issue. What I continue to see is the constant nitpicking of a candidate - despite what their record might be - until they are labeled a centrist. So screw that noise. 

He’s nice to politicians with whom he disagrees.  BURN HIM.

OMG. That one politician did that one thing. Let’s throw him out and never support him again.