Mondrian’s ear

“...despite video evidence that he walked into the space separating the students and Black Israelites and stood there before that students formed a semicircle around him. “

Because there is video evidence of the man with the drum marching directly into the crowd and banging the drum in the kid’s face? Why do you think all of these sources are backpedaling? The man with the drums story does. Not. Make. Sense. Because. Of. Video. Evidence.

It’s adorable that you think your rational, intelligent post will have any effect on the far left extremist internet lynch mob.

It’s over, Laura. We can see the man with the drum walk directly into the crowd and beat his drum in the kid’s face. The kid did nothing, he didn’t even move. He smirked. Is that a hate crime?

Anyone making a comment like that is also a teenager, trying get validation from internet likes.

There were no winners in that video, but the conscious attempts by people on the left to crucify these kids without making proper reference to everything that led up to it, show their biases, not the kids.

Bottom line: Everyone was wrong on this and there’s no reason to choose sides.

- The original account was that the kids swarmed Phillips who was minding his own business. The video shows that he walked over and got in the middle of the kids, who were already acting like idiots. This is the action that most people

it’s gettin creepy

So many internet tough guys talking about beating up children...

No clue why this is on Deadspin, but okay...

The teens’ version of the story leans so heavily on believing what was in their heads or relying on their limited perspective of a large mob...

Of course there’s a few turds in every apple barrel. Have you ever done or said something stupid when you’re afraid and anxious? But the full video proves this didn’t go down the way the baying mob said it did.

It looked to me like a bunch of teenagers being teenagers, trolling “in real life” by being louder than a bunch of protesters. Was it racially motivated? Probably on both accounts. I don’t know much about the Black Israelites, but that doesn’t sound like a group looking to embrace MAGAs. There were more MAGAs than

Without questioning whether the kid acted as awfully as portrayed, I must say that the lead speaker in the “Black Israelite cult,” without a doubt a fully grown man, comes off as the most vile, inflammatory person in the video.

I think it’s fair to say, no one would have reacted at all in the first place, and there’d be no story to begin with. The white-vs-minority angle is the *only* noteworthy element of this story. There was no punches thrown, nobody arrested... nothing. 

This article is a desperate attempt to control. This is the party telling you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears 

“you will see what you want to see here, if you are determined to do so”


get lost troll, go back to 4chan

She’s easily my early pick.