Mondrian’s ear

She’s probably the best Anti-Trump candidate out there. And after the Dumpster fire administration, we’ll need a ball buster who can right the ship of the Executive office and play hardball with the legislature, especially if Republicans keep the Senate.

A lot of this election cycle feels like it’s gonna be about nitpicky bullshit and not quite being over what happened in 2016.

This person on Reddit did a better job at getting to the truth than Jay Conner did

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Full video and summary of events for those who are looking for something aside from the media spin:

How the Black Israelites came off scot free when their behavior was far more vile, bigoted, misogynistic, and homophobic is beyond me? They harangued the Native American protesters, referring to them as idol worshippers, blaming their “worship of buffalos and eagles”, and failure to worship God for the colonization of

Well, even their own Catholic School and Church threw these kids to the Lions as it were, without verifying the story or allowing time for the exonorating details to emerge.

I disagree insomuch that I think it does matter, and I think it is problematic that organisers for the Women’s March won’t clearly condemn the anti-Semitism (and homophobia) of Farrahkan.

Phillips reportedly approached the Catholic School students and told them to go back to Europe and Phillips reportedly got in the smirking kid’s face and banged his drum.  This take on the events is gleaned from more complete videos of the events.  So, let's reframe the situation as an adult, military veteran trying,

Having a permit isn’t related to walking into the middle of a group of people and beating a drum in their faces, which doesn’t sound like “defusing” their anti social behavior. Also some people have said the Indigenous People’s march was over, from what I’ve seen there was not a large remaining contingent with Mr.

I can only assume that, given its long commitment to journalistic integrity, The Root will be retracting this story in full now that the full video of the event has been made publicly available, and shows the native elder’s story to be contradicted at several points, and the children definitively proven to have

Hold up, so the racist white kids mom was actually telling the truth and it was really the black Israelites who started the whole thing and the Native American man actually got in the white kids face and not the other way around??  Well, it’s a good thing no one jumped to conclusions before watching the whole video

You are clearly more interested in virtue signaling than objective analysis. The reason why the high schoolers were chanting in first place was because the black Israelite group thought it wise to call teenagers “dusty crackers”, “future serial killers” and other terrible things. The reason Phillips and his group went

The black Israelites and the Native American group were actively fighting with each other for an hour prior to this. Once the high schoolers started to gather for their bus pick up, the black Israelites started in on them. That’s when Phillips came over. Phillips and his people walked over to the high schoolers and

What vitriol? The high schoolers were doing school chants when Phillips chose to walk inside their group, while playing a drum. They started to chant with him, which is probably stupid, but they’re high schoolers. They do stupid shit.

Black Israelites are a scourge everywhere.

Did you watch the full video? I don’t think you realize how misguided your interpretation of the situation is. The Black Israelites were calling the Native American group Uncle Tomahawk’s and roaches. They were close to physical violence. They told a woman to stop talking to them because she was a woman. Asked her

They were fighting with the Native American group prior to the high schoolers. They at one point said, “You are not supposed to worship eagles and buffaloes. That’s why God took your land.” They said a lot of ignorant shit and were actively trying to intimidate the high schoolers, as well as the Native Americans.  

The full video (almost two hours) has been released on Reddit. I have yet to see one video showing the kids shout “build a wall” or some of the other things that have been claimed in the media. I hate Trump and the MAGA slogan but I hate media making up bullshit.

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This story was proven to be fake, Phillips approached the students not the other way around, and it was a group of African Americans screaming racist things at the students. I’ve watched a bunch of videos of the event and the students never said or did anything remotely racist or wrong, they were just doing school