
You should brag about it repeatedly. It shows what ordinary people would be able to do when faced with the ignorant blowhard -in-chief

Imagine that you are mugged at knife point and the mugger tosses a couple of dollars onto the ground so that you can ride the bus home. And he expects you to be thankful that he left you with that.

Honestly, if I were them, I’d have tweeted back, “Didn’t attend the meeting with Widdle Donnie because I’m doing actual work.” But I’m also an asshole.

I make deals for a living. I usually go into meetings knowing what I want out of the meeting, and what my account wants out of it, and how we can both come out of it as winners. Why would “Chuck and Nancy” show up if they already knew the outcome and it wasn’t good. I’d be pissed if they were my reps, and they wasted

C’mon, if Fake News is reporting that the woman’s story is fake, then the woman’s story must be true!

Hoping for Trump to tweet something appropriate is like watching a dog’s ass hoping a diamond falls out.

Yes, that was a maniacal me! Truly insane that he has to remind himself and his followers, just in case no one knows who he’s talking about.

I also lol at his need to clarify who “ Your Favorite President” is with the idiotic inclusion of (me) at the end. It’s like even he can’t believe his own line of bullshit.

“The good news is that their ratings are terrible, nobody cares!”

I know it just broke, but this is too delicious to pass up mentioning. Project Veritas just got busted trying to run a fake Roy Moore sting on the Washington Post, to prove, I imagine that WaPo doesn’t fact check these kind of stories sufficiently. But in fact, their fact checkers quickly busted the mole they sent.

Martha Washington hated being First Lady—she referred to the role as being “state prisoner”—and yet she did all kinds of shit to raise funds for the vets from the War for Independence. And she established the formal entertainments for people in the government, foreign dignitaries, and the public because they kept

In what way is this a vocation Melanie is being forced into? She defended and supported her husband’s birther bullshit, which is how he got his greasy hands into the politics business. She didn’t keep him from running. She didn’t campaigned for him. This life that’s making her miserable now is one she nurtured and

This argument is always disingenuous bullshit. If I hand you a tool, and say, “this tool can make millions of people’s lives better, and you’re the only one who can use it,” and you decide that that’s not what you signed up for and just walk away from it, that isn’t a defensible position, much less one deserving

In what universe is MELANIA TRUMP “protesting” this role as first lady so she doesn’t have to put her career on hold? What career? Modeling? It’s not like she had some booming personal venture and career path that she sacrificed in order to be first lady. She was doing....what? I googled it and can’t find any actual

If you think for one hot minute that an essential mail order bride is skirting the responsibilities of first lady as a fuck you to the patriarchy, then I guess sometimes we need fantasy in difficult times.

Ok, “job,” ceremonial role, whatever. I agree it’s a flawed institution in need of modernization, but it’s not like she’s not making some form of protest for the greater good. If she takes a stance I’ll give her credit for it, but until then she doesn’t get a pass, much less admiration from me for being lazy, selfish

michelle obama sure seemed to think the position had responsibilities, and i, for one, thank her for her herculean efforts.

In other news, water is wet.

Westbrook seems like the type to become totally unhinged in a fight. I’m not sure he actually knows _how_ to fight, but the ferocity in which he dunks the baskeball is what I’m sure he’d bring to a scrap.

There’s nowhere to stand and observe. You are constantly in someone’s way. The best way I can describe it is that they turned Black Friday into a store, and only the most aggressive women get to shop there.