
If you reduced the number of doors to zero, nobody would get shot in the schools.

Booth did nothing wrong! Fake news!  Good people on both sides!

Tell him the play stars underage Russian hookers.

Cry havoc and let nip slip the dogs of war

We didn’t want him anyway, he would be a cancer in the locker room.

Yeah, but LaVar is probably ready to drown himself in Lake Pontchatrain, so I’m good with it.

Food and soda in a gym. Do you want Morants? Because that's how you get Morants.

He’s living rent free in a large empty space filled with regret, shame, and anxiety?

Finally, a rich guy version of getting your calculator to spell BOOBIES. 

I mean, Kawhi was a nice pickup, but I like to think it’s all due to the Raps catching LINNNNSANITYYYYYY!!

I'd like to point out that Patrick McCaw now has as many rings as Lebron. 

At the very least, he will always have that home run in the World Series at Citi. Wright was definitely on the path to first ballot HoFer and still makes a case for hall of very good but alas. The human body just sucks sometimes...

He was headed for an easy first ballot HoF, then the HR derby wrecked his power swing, then he got beaned in the head by the Marlins, then the Spinal Stenosis....

Nice to see some small market teams spending money on homegrown stars.

The too many doors thing is obviously it. Did anyone in the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory die in a mass shooting?

“Classy Missouri”...now there’s a fucking oxymoron!

The fact that these russia loving, humanity hating, classless, cultureless, chinless, dickless, spineless, Garland Merrick blocking, scheming, semi-sentient, greedy blobs of shit with horrible HORRIBLE fitting skin suits have the gall to call anyone else in the entirety of Democracy obstructionist fills me with so

When I first read the headline, I thought it was because I know some students who dared to protest were threatened by violence. I had no idea that their rights were being stepped on by the school administration and faculty. I’m with everyone else who states that they want everyone involved in threatening these brave

BRAVO TO ALL YOU KIDS OUT THERE!! There are so many of us “olds” who support you and love you! We may not be able to march every time, but we can provide meals, legal assistance, transient housing, votes, etc. EACH ONE OF YOU IS LIVING YOUR LIFE TO THE FULLEST!! I bow to you all and pray that you stay BLESSED!!!