
If you’re using the word demon in conjunction with anything besides a video game or a script, you’re already too far gone to do anything but bay at the moon.

Ah, but what you think is absurd reductionism is, in fact, the goal of the Betsy DeVostrigoths.  No “government schools.” This is the way. 

This is going to work really well during fires. Which, you know, NEVER happen at schools. /s

You’re right about the lack of depth, but you’re underestimating LeBron James, along with Steve Nash, smartest basketball player I’ve ever seen. James will adapt his game around, and to complement, Davis’s. No one is better at this. 

Minus those couple of years off for gambling addiction and betting on his team to pursue his dream of playing minor league baseball.

Was actually thinking the same thing as Prezbo. Good show. 

Depending on Boogie to get on up on the floor, will make you oogie, oogie, oogie. Till you just can’t Boogie no more.

Funeral homes! Every small town has one, and they’re ALWAYS in one of the nicest houses in town. Well-kept, sedate, and, for some reason, on the corner.

My father hated (and still hates) baseball, so I kissed up to a friend’s family to take me to my first Mets game. It was 1969. I was 5. They went into first, that day.

How can we — at long last — win this war on Christmas? I’m willing to do what it takes.

And, yet, none of the shooters have either

Bill Clinton was disbarred; Cohen will be, too. The key to the powerful getting away with things is that, usually, they get to hush up their crimes. That allows for unequal punishment to slip through until it’s too late for outrage to have any effect.

The schools don’t have to approve of it; they just have to not go out of their way to screw over the people who did it. (In otherwords, no special fuckery). Even in schools, the First Amendment applies to that extent. See Tinker.

Okay, teacher, here. 30 years, history, economics, human rights, political science.

I don’t think you understand what pity means.

No one wants your pity.

It’s in his best long-term financial interests NOT to play. But he wants to, anyway. This is the sort of the thing you hope to see more of among professional athletes.

55 words

Because (a) it’s not an either/or. We can take care of both, if we have the will. (b) DACA kids are or are going to be net GIVERS not takers to the USA. They could not receive DACA status if that wasn’t true. And (c) if you actually gave a shit about DACA kids, or black people, or any other Americans in dire need,

Of course, if we let you stay, we have to face the consequences of having to live with your ungrammatical, violent ass.