
3rd prize....

The “NRA Most Violent Gun Crime of the Year Award”.


It’s amazing he didn’t make building a shrine to him a condition of the “award”.

He also said something about the NFL paying proper taxes for once. It was for entirely the wrong reasons , but that’s 2 whole things I agree with him on.

“Awarding” money to Vegas? That makes it sound like “hey you win for having the highest death count in a mass shooting this year! Congrats!”

Good. Let’s clear fucking house, and turn the #1 overall pick into some other draft picks, and let’s get a fucking OFFENSIVE LINE.

No way the Jet’s are getting the #1 pick! They already have like 3 wins, that’s more than CLE will get all year! They will pick like 5th, a spot where they COULD do something smart and get a good football player and they will totally fuck it up.

The Giants are going to end up drafting a QB the Jets failed to properly tank for!

CrapADoo may be worse than Ray Handley. How is that even possible?

Have long said that if the Iggles went 2-14 every year, and those 2 wins were over the Jints... that it was a successful year.

As a Giants fan I couldn’t be more excited by this. If you can go from a 12 win team that made the playoffs with an aging QB and managed with just one season to bottom out in a QB-heavy draft to get a top 3 pick, you take it.

They’ll probably beat Washington once, because they’re Washington. They could probably win at SF and vs. LA, and maaaaybe at Arizona too.

Technically the most Jets would be the Giants going 1-15, grabbing the QB of the future and letting him marinate for a year while Eli puts up good swan song numbers, before not having his contract renewed, then signing with the Jets for $40M over two years, doing a thousand humble pieces on how he’s bringing Super

For the first time ever, Isaiah Thomas gets defensive.

I really didn’t think Arena could be worse than Sampson in 98 but that’s where we are now

This is America’s larger problem. As above, so below.

Did not know this. Thanks.

Plus the ads use photos from El Salvador prisons. Aka dudes we don’t need to worry about since they’re locked up in another country. Wtf.

Ten murders is ten too many, but if 4 (40%) of those were premeditated by black people and, as far as I know only one man did it specifically in retaliation for white cops killing unarmed blacks it doesn’t seem like a problem worth investigating. That one black guy wasn’t a member of any movement they could say