Seriously, can you imagine how many people would’ve tried to assassinate Obama if he said he could shoot someone and not lose any voters.
Seriously, can you imagine how many people would’ve tried to assassinate Obama if he said he could shoot someone and not lose any voters.
When did Trump learn how to communicate with birds? Is he going to make the Dodo great again??
All the talk about Hillary and Parkinsons from the Russian twitter bots - displacement?
I have this weird, vague sense that maybe Trump has dementia and is narcissistic, and is a liar, and a bully, and a racist, and also doesn’t really grasp complicated issues.
White makes right (apparently).
Here, hold this while I go kick something.
I’m starting to get this feeling that Trump does not like black people.
The crowd was cheering. I don’t know if he brought his own cheerleaders.
He’s always been a fucking loon. Google some of his pictures with Ivanka when she’s a teenager. If people are only thinking he’s gone off the deep end in the past year or 2, they haven’t been paying attention.
Now? After everything so far, NOW is when you first have the idea?!
This motherfucker right here....
“I just want to read about sports, not bullshit world affairs and political nonsense.”
Yeah. People can hold the Kennedy’s/Camelot thing as high as they want, but the Obama’s gave the White House e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. Warmth, class, style, intelligence, character. Everything.
This goes to the core of their support for Trump however. There’s this idea out there that people voted for Trump because he appealed to working class people who felt left behind. That’s false. The core of trump support came from white people who were anxious about the changing racial and social makeup of the country.…
That’s beautiful. And talibannon is amazing.
As I said to my father, the key to Trump’s appeal is to realize that every single one of his supporters thought to him-or-herself, “Oh, all that other stuff he was promising was just a lie he used to get someone’s vote. But the stuff he told me is absolutely true.”
I spent all of 2016, it feels like, saying something very much like this. Nobody listened. The entirety of his ethos is “Donald Trump is awesome, everyone else sucks.” He’s not some secret, Pimpernellian genius, gaming the system from within; he’s no Gumpish savant bumbling into history. He’s a failed fucking meat…
Considering what Trump just did with the three-month extension on the debt ceiling without demanding anything and giving us all the leverage we want in December, I’ll go with option B.
“Lock, step and barrel.” I knew Joe Walsh was dumb, but wow. “Lock, stock, and barrel” or “in lockstep.”
I legit believe this is a possibility. It doesn’t make him a good president or any less reprehensible a person, but you have to remember that Donald Trump doesn’t give a shit about the budget or taxes. He’s rich and a tax cheat. He doesn’t give a fuck about health care because he’s got a fake doctor who will tell him…
C) Trump stopped paying attention 3 minutes into the meeting and just started nodding and saying ‘yup!’ and is only now finding out what he agreed to.
So, as I see it, the two possibilities that explain there being THIS wide a disparity between the publicly disclosed takeaways by the involved parties regarding this dinner about DACA and the wall and all of that: