
Soylent Grey?

Death panels.

Age limits won’t work. Ross Douthat, Tucker Carlson, Rick Santorum, and Ted Cruz are a few GOP guys who have espoused the opinions of 80 year old men when they were in their 20s.

It’s almost as if all these liberal glory boys don’t trust esteemed meteorologist/expired prescription receptacle Rush Limbaugh.

My fiancé bought this book for his dad for his birthday this March. A month later, my fiancé died from brain cancer, so this was the last present he ever bought his dad - both of whom are HUGE A’s fans. When my fiancé was in hospice, he asked his dad to go to cemetery where he’s buried to read the book to him. His dad

“Teammates nicknamed him and Epstein “Jew” and “Super Jew,” respectively, a lighthearted homage to their heritage and respective bulk.”

They should have just stuck to sports

This ever happens to me I’m having my ride park a lot closer to the building.

the joke is, the REAL Jets fans know to bet against them.

Bobby Clarke admitted years later that Carton was right, and that Lindros missed that game because he was hungover. Carton is a douche, but I always found it interesting that he was right in that case.

I used to work at a law firm that specialized in returning the money from people that got caught running scams, usually Ponzi schemes. Typically I’ve found that they’re all very smart, charming, etc. They truly don’t think far enough ahead to wonder when it will all come crashing down. I’ve always marveled at how they

They keep talking about the individual who gave him short term high interest loans. God I hope it was Francessa. The ultimate payback

Another bootstraps conservative outed as a crook. I fucking love it. This is a guy who vociferously demonized those fighting for a decent wage, loves to push how taxes are theft, etc.

You’d think his being buddies with Chris Christie would have taught him to get this stuff pinned on underlings.

So I’m more interested in the $800k that he owed “asap” to other parties. This is NJ we’re talking about and he partnered in this whole scheme with a NJ strip club owner. You don’t have to be Detective McNulty to conclude that organized crime is likely involved.

And with that, Eric Lindros finally got his revenge! Talk about the long con!

Coming this spring, it’s Boomer and the Gov on the FAN!

“Although we have had our differences over the years, the NY Mets would like to offer our thoughts and prayers to Craig Carton in his time of need as a Ponzi scheme is truly the sincerest form of flattery.”

Who does he think is? Wells Fargo?

If only ten people supported him, that would still be depressing enough for me.