Yeah, i definitely am.
Yeah, i definitely am.
What a great story, thank you.
This is incorrect. I have been teaching it since you were 5.
You lost me at this is the kind of column that brought us TRump. It was snarky. But not based on hate; not a lie; not an attempt to fix a caste system in economic stone, and legal stone; not gerrymandered; not an attempt to remove the rights and autonomy of women and gay people; not xenophobic; not corrupt; and not…
Why is this not the national comment of the week?
How come everyone is forgetting “Hey! Let’s slaughter all the local flora and terraform the environment so that it looks just like where we came from?”
You did a great job! Thanks!
Given that most of the murdered were immigrants, and that there are new openings for Americans to take their now vacant positions, I’m surprised that tRump’s not tweeting this as Win-Win
TRump needs to be impeached because (at least I’m assuming) the Republic is going to stick around for another 200 years, and a message needs to be sent to posterity that we must never again put such a tyrant in the highest office.
Well, and also for the Jews to be rounded up, and deported to camps. But, hey.
Bill Russell averaged 13 points a game. Bet you think he sucks, too.
It seems that it takes a huge number of women — more than 20, because less than that didn’t detail tRump — coming forward at the same time, for anyone to believe them.
Apparently, you don’t know any of the 750,000 DACA folk whose lives are now in the fear-laced limbo. (They’re worse off than before DAC because they trusted the US Gov and registered themselves) And, I guess you stopped caring or reading about US-caused loss of life in the Middle East once American media stopped…
In Ancient Greece, the term for someone who refused to participate in the well-being of their city-state (polis; hence politics) was idiote.
Thank God! How many years and shattered lives has it taken for SOMEONE to end the scourge of freshmen-peddled water bottles?
Rep Steven King is the true master of horror. Nothing the fiction writer comes up with is nearly so disgusting
Don’t forget his full-page ads calling for the entirely innocent Central Park 5 to be executed for not raping a white woman.
That’s ALMOST a triple negative. Hard to execute in open competion.
What Greg Pruitt REALLY means that talking about climate change is insensitive to Greg Pruitt.
Generally speaking, you’re right about the pearl clutching. But, about DACA, you’re wrong. For the million or so people who provided extra details to governments to earn DACA, this IS totalitarianism. Get to know someone who has entered the Kafka precincts of immigration in the TRimp age, and you’ll see what I’m…