But if Colin Fleming believes in meritocracy, why did he allow The New York Times to devote scarce space to his Op-Ed instead of something that was well-written and interesting?
But if Colin Fleming believes in meritocracy, why did he allow The New York Times to devote scarce space to his Op-Ed instead of something that was well-written and interesting?
He reneged on his promise to give money to wounded veterans until the Washington Post shamed him into it. Why should we believe this pledge.
More than once, in Dutchess County, NY, I have been able to gobble at wild turkeys, and get them to gobble back, en masse, and lead them away from roads
Many sides, tRump? Many sides were responsible for James Field plowing a car into a crowd of anti-racist protestors, killing one of them and injuring a dozen or more others? I want you to know I don’t say these words lightly: Fuck you, you loathsome sack of shit.
The Denocratic Party has totally lost touch with these voters!! TOTALLY IN THE POCKET OF THE ALL-PEOPLE-ARE-EQUAL, COASTAL ELITE!!
The Detroit ....Right-Wings? Geddouta-Heah. No fucking way.
North Korea isn’t open to diplomacy...but it IS open to bribery and dirty tricks aimed at the military junta that props up Kim Jung-Un.
And, better than all of them, A Canticle for Liebowitz
I think the real problem, here, is that someone claims to be really named “Dak Prescott. Talk about having a machine-like feel to it.
The rape scenes in GoT are disturbing. But, I think that it’s important to recognize that show, in a broader sense, has been a triumph for feminism, and for the role of women in dramatic arts. Do you realize that EVERY POWER STRUGGLE IN THIS SHOW HAS BEEN WON OR MIGHT WON BY WOMEN?
Or Putin can just grab him by the pussy!
That elbow looked like it made solid — and serious — contact, to me. Moreover, Sagan is known for pulling that dirty trick, usually JUST out of the penalty zone, or at the furthest point from race officials. (True in this case, as well.)
“Smells like teen spirit” was the title of one of Kurt Cobain’s most famous songs. But no matter how bad that smell is, it probably smelled like Nirvana compared to the stench his body gave off after Cobain shot himself, as these newly-found pictures do absolutely nothing to illuminate.”
A Gandhi jersey
I think his vocabulary has declined considerably
That’s because you’re not a Sudanese woman working here, trying to fly home to visit her sick mother, and then return.
When — too late — the serious attempts to remove him from office begin (my prediction is in 2 years), this will be one of the cited tipping points.
Not the main point, but WHY is a “journalist” going to Mar-A-Lago?
Our tax dollars at work ending American Carnage.
God, she is desperate to stay in the news. She must look at TRumpy in the Oval Office and mutter shoulda been me. It burns.