His Noodly Appendage

I prefer my coffee straight, without any additives. But if there is anything going into my coffee, it is only something (or some things) from the below list.

It is in fact possible to be snobby about not being snobby. He and my dad would get along well.

Yeah, but, let’s be honest. I would save Summer over Morty with only a small second thought. She’s the best.

“I found Rowling’s prose dry and boring”

I mean, when it comes to drinking good German beer from a giant boot, there’s not really any right or wrong way to do it. The fact that you’re even doing it in the first place (even if you let some splash out onto you) means you’re doing something right.

That may be the going theory, but those of us who are practiced in the noble art of boot drinking are able to drink it just fine with the toe up, thank you very much.

Marzen makes this the best time of year for drinking, imho. It’s the perfect lager.

“I got the results of the test back - I definitely have Kinja.”

It conveniently comes after tornado snapchat season.

Florida is Sodom, Texas is Gomorrah.

It’s probably not sordid enough.

When Statham is good, he is good. This could work.

Tysha finds him and murders him.

Maybe it’s about fan films.

I would guess that this is the old sunk cost fallacy rearing its ugly head. Marvel/Disney/ABC spent a fortune on this, and they can’t just abandon it, even though abandoning it would be the most economically beneficial outcome.

I’ve certainly been dipping my toes. I just wish there was more I could do to support the writers here.

Minus the alcohol.