His Noodly Appendage

I’ve been trying to make a good faith effort, but I find that I visit and comment less than before.

Being able to shoot the second part in a modern setting probably allows the film to save money.

It may not be an especially faithful adaptation, but The Shining is clearly adapted from the novel. I would consider it a great adaptation because it is an adaptation that is independently great, though I understand why there would be disagreement on that.

Rey’s ass is too skinny! Get me casting!

I’ve always wanted Spielberg to do Star Wars, but I’m 99% sure it will never happen. He’s too close with Lucas.

Agreed. I was very uneasy when they announced he’d direct. I thought this might happen, though, based on the reviews for The Book of Henry.

The Uncanny must flow.

Picking between 30 Rock and Parks would probably be like picking between one’s own two children.

Overall, yes, Parks is the better show. It was more consistent and consistently great throughout its run. That being said, I think The Office had higher highs. It also had lower lows.

Yeah, my wife and I just did a re-watch, and I stopped when Michael left. I don’t feel like I missed out on anything.

Post season 6 though he The Office gets really bad.

Someday there will be a societal breakdown, and I’ll have to run for it. On that day, I’ll need to make a choice between leaving behind either my french press or my loose-leaf tea strainer, as I’ll only be able to carry one of them. Now that will be a Sophie’s Choice.

On the one hand, that sounds awful. On the other hand, nurses have what must be one of the hardest jobs on the planet. If they need a super indulgent drink to get through their (possibly 18-24 hr) work-day, more power to them.

If anything the main source of conflict will be that Jon has a stronger claim to the throne than Daenerys does. Khaleesi won’t like that.

Ultimately it will turn out that the Jonerys relationship was the result of a duck-fat smear that obscured his writing.

I love both confit and Cantonese roast duck. I don’t think I could pick between the two, honestly.

That goose is not more widely offered is extremely unfortunate. At least when I was in Hong Kong, the goose was vastly better than the duck, and the duck is bloody amazing.

“You know—for fun.” 

That’s just completely unfair to cysts.

Is that you, Sandor?