
Non-voters have just as much right to respond to the results.

Spoiler alert: it’s not going to get better for them. It’s been downhill for them since the Reagan administration, but they keep voting for the folks that ship their jobs overseas, bankrupt their pensions, pull their social safety nets, etc. Asking for sympathy while shooting yourself in the foot really only

Secretary of Big Macs, Chris Christie.

I’m not trying to be “that guy,”

Are you kidding me? Don’t read the damn comments then if you find them so tiring. It is entirely reasonable to bitch about the free game selection being no longer as good as it once was every single time that fact is reaffirmed, i.e. once per month when they are announced. I don’t speak for anyone else, but this

Yeah, there is a definite “Homer Simpson / pumpkin futures” vibe going on there.

I pay for the “free games”, not for the multiplayer. MP is just a goodie for me. I only play one and a half games online on the PS4, so that would be 50 bucks per year aka 4.16/month for a game I play online sporadically and to see player notes in Bloodborne. If it wasn’t for the free games, I wouldn’t spend that kind

Ps plus was created for the games subscription, online used to be free prior to the ps4. It’s just a bait and switch and total idiots like you do Sony’s work for them by defending this shit.

Well for those of us who don’t care about online play or other social features, PS+ is no longer a good value, so why is it unreasonable to complain about that with like-minded strangers? Last month was a great month for the free games, but other than that, I’ve basically been paying to rent the previous PS+ games I

The problem with that reasoning is that before the ps4, the online was free, so the ps+ games were actually the only thing worth subscribing for. That the the ps+ deals. They use to give us good games and deals but now that we have to pay for online they shifted the free game to a bonus feature and haven’t given us

I’d say most of the BDSM practitioners I’ve met acted like cultists, yeah. It’s probably the whole dom/sub mindset bullshit. People who like to push people around, and people who like to be pushed around. And they never stop playing up their scene if they hear you slag them off.

Sure they are. And I would never use the term myself. But this is the whle point: the options aren’t GamerGate or Matt McGorry. The options aren’t either being vile racists or actively soliciting gold stars for your virtuousness.

That was some Grade-A virtue signalling in your post there, man. Took a lot of courage to really trumpet just how wonderful and empathetic you are to everyone who will read it.

“And people going around screaming “SJWs! SJWs!” isn’t a performative outrage?”

I have better things to do. Like donate my money and volunteer.

It’s called Battlefield, not Streets of Sarajevo, you nub.

Where would you like a series called “Battlefield” to be located if not in the middle of a war?

The article is a pointless attempt to grasp at straws. The real story here is that BF1 has a compelling single player at all, shattering expectations set forth by DICE’s previous failures in that regard.

What the fuck even is this comment?

You know this is just as annoying as people who actually post stuff like that.