Well, if anyone knows about not getting the job done, it’s Kevin Durant.
Fucking Tom, what a guy.
Look at this humblebraggin’ motherfucker over here.
right,subways are large mass transit cars, so they would be both impractically large and would not contain the nutrients for a human being to consume. and worse if you include the tunnels and tracks, they would taste awful.
I only wish Mr. Kaepernick could see the emotional and psychological challenges that our officers face following a fatal encounter. Some are so affected they never return to the streets.
“The coolest [moment] was about 15 hours in I ran up to a giant pillar of what I thought was going to be Heridium and to my joy turned out to be Nickel,”
Why do you bother replying to every comment you disagree with using this same condescending bullshit argument? To imitate, you clearly don’t understand arguing.
“Players position should be simple...You rather adapt or change all teams. But we are weak. Dream.”
That’s a loaded question.
In the running world TONS of people were complaining about OP’s robot legs. How about all the people who don’t follow running outside of the olypmpics and who know nothing of the details of men or women’s 800 just listen to the experts(many who are women) instead of trying to change a sport you know nothin about.
All elite athletes are genetic anomalies, but this is the only one being singled out
I’ve disliked a lot of what I’ve read about Semenya, and this piece provides a good counter-weight, but Semenya’s circumstance really does trip over a lot of hidden faultlines in how we think about gender and how we think about sports.
This article is garbage though.
This is a complicated and fraught topic, one that deserves a more thoughtful take than the one offered by Ms. Moskovitz. This is not about some cruel effort by men to define and control women’s bodies, as she glibly asserts. It’s about trying to create an environment where women have a chance to compete and succeed,…
If we are going to hold two separate events for men and women, then we have to have some distinct dividing line between who is “a man” and who is “a woman.” It may not be fair to everyone, but you do have to draw a line somewhere.
dude, nice, very chill story.
"Bro, you think THAT'S a story? I got a story that's way better, except it is about me and doesn't involve anyone famous."