These questions really annoy me because I think they’re terrible and the answer is usually very obvious to people that don’t sit around overthinking things.
These questions really annoy me because I think they’re terrible and the answer is usually very obvious to people that don’t sit around overthinking things.
This week on The Salty Waitress:
It’s a shame so much of the reception of this game and whether it’s “good” seems to be down to whether it takes a stance on US politics as though that’s a thing all games must do now.
As noted, the synonyms of “moor” include quite a range descriptors that include everyone from olive-skinned to black.
So you take a small chunk of that article to prove your point, but ignore the rest?
It’s set in a small 16km section of the Czech country side in 1403. I’m frankly more inclined to side with their dive into the population and census of the time and their highly qualified female historian than your assessment.
The game takes place 200 years before this. And do you know that Venice and Bohemia are pretty far apart in that day and age?
Why the hell does Carl’s vision of the perfect future involve his father having a bad limp and having to use a cane?
It’s pretty clear that the original intent of this vision was meant to be the real post-All Out War just as it exists in the comics, and Gimple got the crackpot idea midway through filming to axe Carl.…
Two things:
1.) You say “empirical evidence,” and I say “anecdotal experience you’ve conflated with empirical evidence.” None of the women I’ve dated in my life have behaved in any fashion approaching that which you describe here (and that’s also anecdotal—but hey, turnabout’s fair play here); if anything, you sound…
Good lord. Here’s hoping you never, in your life, find yourself alone with another human being; you need some serious help given that you think you can reduce all of human experience to figures and statistics—and particularly in that you think you’ve got an entire sex sorted out as a bunch of mercenary cock-hunters…
Wow dude seriously get some fucking help you sound like a serial killer
No need to name call. People with different points of view can have civil conversations without resorting to that. Oh wait...this is the internet. Never mind!
Michaels and Collinsworth sounded like their dog died when that final play ended up incomplete. Hell Collinsworth is probably still finding a way to turn that touchdown into an incomplete pass.
Which is why I had hoped EA would bring back Fight Night - that game was great and calling out for more innovation regarding controls around the footwork, that for me were easier to solve than the grapple game in MMA. I understand EA want to capture the market for MMA fans as they are growing faster, but as someone…
EA i beg you, please bring back Fight Night! I loved Fight Night. I tried to play UFC 2 last year, I really did. But, I kept losing every single fight. Even on the lowest difficultly setting and I swear I am good at video games. But It was just way to complicated for it to be any fun. Even the tutorials were no help.
Damn. McSensitive.
People these days. All these snowflakes go right to their mommy blogs when I correct them on facebook by telling them, “Actually, your kid seems a little ‘cunty’.” Now I’m not welcome at Thanksgiving anymore. Did I make a big deal about it when their kid had an allergic reaction at my Super Bowl party? No. I told them…
Counterpoint: Fuck Boston.
The Pats could have brought a fan onto the field during play, shot them, and still have the refs give the Jags a penalty.