
I live in Oklahoma, and “It didn’t work quite the way I would hope it would” pretty well sums up Fallin’s tenure as governor.

Oxenfree is so great and very underappreciated. I played through it four times trying for the platinum, and I enjoyed every one.

Whoa, hold on, because this quote is fascinating:

Hey man, watch it! Those parking attendants are out there on those mean streets every day juggling power and justice like they were damn chainsaws.

Actually, yours is the first whiny post that appears. You started bitching and moaning about people bitching and moaning before those people even started bitching and moaning. Also, why are you so eager to rush to the defense of the gigantic corporation? You’re a consumer; you should be on the side of the consumers,

Jesus Christ, I think we have a winner for Most Ridiculously Pretentious Comment in Internet History.

Oh damn, that dude’s edgy as shit! Seriously, careful you don’t cut yourself handling those comments.

Actually, that’s a terrible example. No comma is necessary. Also, your proposed hypothetical comma is just an ordinary comma, not an Oxford. An Oxford comma would only be necessary if he intended to say “Eat, shit, and die,” which is either a very odd demand or a brilliant deconstruction of the human condition. In any

Probably a weird complaint, but I can’t be the only one kinda distracted by the ridiculous frequency of (often unnecessary and arbitrary) italicizing in this dude’s posts. You notice it once, and you can’t unnotice it; I mean, it’s like every other word. Can’t even focus on what he’s writing. That’s a bad habit, guy.

I know. I won’t name names, but one of the commenters who replied to you above might just be the most obnoxious knob who ever lived.

Yeah man, you just don’t get it, man. The problem is not that the game is a boring husk that people have to actively talk themselves into enjoying through the use of elaborate arguments; it’s not that most people who seem to “enjoy” the “game” are pretentious, smug, self-satisfied pricks high on their own farts; and

This guy’s right; limiting the role of coaches makes no sense whatsoever for a sport. However, it makes perfect sense for pro gaming.

Not gonna argue that, because you’re right; you are absolutely right. However, all of Seattle’s “human ingenuity” couldn’t keep the Sonics in town.

As a Thunder fan, I find actually having a NBA team to be more delicious. You enjoy those sour grapes, though.

Everyone do as I say, and think like I think! Yeah, people can do whatever they want, and they don’t need your approval.

That dude needs to see a therapist, get some antipsychotics or something. “You don’t get it, Dr. Lowenstein; I just couldn’t make them understand. It’s a cross between Bloodborne and Dark Souls! A cross, I tell you! Why can’t these fools see it?! You have to mix up your playstyle! You hear me? You have to mix up your

This Morrissey dude is coming off more than a little paternalistic. He’s probably more upset that the Sportsperson of the year isn’t a man, and that picture’s just rubbing it in his face.