
Now see this series is much more in keeping with the true spirit of He-Man because it’s transparently a 22-minute commercial for toys.

“Warrior training”? You mean Jake’s Die Hard LARPing? The show makes it clear that it has nothing to do with actual police work. Outside training, the characters rarely draw their weapons, almost never shoot anyone, and I don’t think any of them have ever killed a human being. For a cop show, that’s pretty impressive.

You could certainly be confused in fall of 2013. Bill Cosby’s fall from grace happened at the end of 2014 (prompted by a Hannibal Buress clip going viral, of all things). Bill Cosby was still putting out comedy specials at the end of 2013 and generally thought of as an adorable elderly figure, going on the talk show

I’m sorry.... is this really worth an article? What percentage of people on here actually have a housekeeper? Is this not a site for poor millennials and poor genZ types? 

This is even easier. You’re already succeeding. Most studies agree any physical activity, no matter what one does, will improve measurable markers of health. Cardio and strength training combined is better than one alone but one alone is way better than none at all. Add in a halfway decent diet and boom you’re already

And the maps they have are not designed very well. The dice in general are valued too low which kills the pacing as it feels like moving through the boards is way too slow. And buying gold pipes is pretty much the best and only way too reliably win.

He had some kinda big personal issues to work through during his Doctor Who days. So I can’t be too harsh on his short stint on the show. That being said, we wouldn’t be going on season 14 now if Eccleston wasn’t so gangbusters in Season 1. The show could have easily tanked early on like the effort to revive it in the

Sixteen years ago

Everything I’ve heard about Nic Cage is he’s kinda slightly artsy and oddball (method-y), but nerdy and super generous, fun to be around.

I always thought it was interesting that Eccleston is a huge fan of Nicholas Cage’s, from when they worked together on Gone in Sixty Seconds. Eccleston took the gig for the money, as he admits he does a lot, but was surprised by how personable Cage was and how professional he made the set, something Eccleston really

Alternately: after the first use of the roasting pan, and when the drippings have cooled, schwipe it all down with a finger and shove it into your face. Lick the leftovers directly from the pan. 

Also to the credit of Tony’s, by advertising on every bar that they don’t use child labor they’re doing more to let average people know about this crisis than most journalists could ever hope.

Look into Tony’s Chocolonely.

So it’s just not possible that the Koreans have their own wide brimmed hat? Come on. And, please, complaining about China having stuff stolen is rich considering they rip off literally every bit of tech and IP on the planet.

so hats with large flat brims are exclusively Chinese?

wait... thatgamecompany released a game???

That’s some Olympic level mental gymnastics you just did to somehow tie this to videogames lol.

I think you’ve got the head size slightly wrong. Rule of thumb for human proportions is that toe to crown is 7.5 heads.