
But Johnny Depp does have to be a perfect victim, otherwise the default position has to be we support the woman, no matter how “imperfect”?

Stop gaslighting your readers. Amber isn’t merely imperfect. She’s an abuser. She chopped off her husbands finger and abused him for years. Then lied about. The hate is 100% justified.

A lot was learned from Gamergate. Don’t trivialize that by claiming any of this proves otherwise. 

She is vilified not because she is ‘not perfect’ or that because she ‘misspoke because it was painful’, but because it was proven that she has repeatedly lied and manipulated many people around her. And, what is even more important, it was clearly shown before the court that she abused him as well. For crying out

All that said, Sonic Frontiers still has a lot of time left in the oven.

PCs are modular. Nobody is confused about them. 

Literally the first I’m hearing of it too, and I consider myself pretty up to date on electronics/gaming news.

People were freaking out about this? I haven’t heard any notice until just now about this. 

To be fair, I wouldn’t call him a movie star by any stretch of the imagination and by extension, it’s unclear if he is, or ever was, a multimillionaire*.

Die Hard, also.

Hulu is getting the Alien movies for precisely one month. That’s weird.

GOP-controlled states are starting to demand that sort of “respect” in schools...

2K as well, but it feels like the higher-quality the head models got, the worse this tech got at meshing the texture to the model properly

Hey now, don’t be so bigoted, sometimes it’s young white guys.

It is fine to respect different views, until one side tries to impose their views on the other side. Would Jim Ryan suggest that people respect all views on slavery?

I have a pet cat. He is my whole world. His antics bring me joy and his purrs calm me down when I’m stressed. A not insignificant amount of my weekly paycheck goes to giving him the life of feline royalty. He has a little tie on his collar so everyone know he’s Very Professional. And I would never blast an email to my

That sounds like a good policy to implement but, sadly, it doesn’t have anything to do with what Ryan proposed.

That would surprise me quite a bit. Two-thirds of the US population support abortion rights. Further, the vast majority of Sony’s employees live and work in cities where such support is even stronger.

Not wild to expect a massive corporation like Sony to want to remain as neutral as possible. Extremely wild that he just dropped a “respect differences of opinion” at the beginning of an email about his cats’ birthdays.