Now playing

Did you just write an article about a new trailer without linking or embedding the new trailer at all while still talking about what was in it and at the same time linking the 4-month old introduction video instead? Here, I’ll do the work for you:

Players play with their own deck of cards on their own side of the table. The two decks are never co-mingled. If, in a game, an opponent’s card is taken by some method, it’s still on the table for both to see. If it ever is discarded or removed from the game, it returns to the original owner. Players usually put their

Each player bring their own deck of cards. Nobody loses their cards, ever. It is a pretty powerful card, but it’s not one-of-a-kind powerful. Yes you would have to take it out of the case. Most people sleeve their entire deck, however, so it would still be protected a bit.

Wait, did Ashley Bardhan, the writer of this article, write about how ugly the website she’s posting on is?? 🤣🤣 I hope so, because she’s completely correct.

the ads on this site are ugly and the user interface is awful. i’m gonna buy re2 though how about u

I think the Villeneuve movie is definitely a better adaptation of the book. He’d been a Dune fan since he was thirteen and there are probably shots in these movies that had been in his head for decades. I enjoyed Part One and I’m looking forward to Part Two.

I’m just here for the continuing arguments between the “Lynch Dune is a visionary work of art that can never be approached camp and the “Lynch Dune is a crime against humanity” camp.

I don’t know if it is just me but the reds and browns in TOTK look really bad to me. The green and blues pop brilliantly but red just looks really flat.

LttP’s key art was also quintessential

Agreed. OoT felt like a downgrade to graphics and colors in order to have 3D.   LttP was absolutely perfect in its day and still holds up 

Yeah OoT was a groundbreaking game as far as moving the series into 3D, but not sure how the “visual aesthetic” could be considered better than LttP. You can count the polygons.

LTTP is still one of the best-looking games Zelda games to this day. The sprites hold up, unlike the polygons of the N64 games.

Not bad, though I would put Link to the Past a lot higher. That was an amazing game, and it really kind of set a lot of the early design standards. There are a few games that really drove what the next few would look like and how they would work, and LttP was huge as far as really defining Zelda. And even now, the

The list seems to not just be considering art style, but also the world and tone. Twilight Princess is arguably the same style as the N64 games, the DS titles straight-up have Wind Waker’s art style, and BotW/TotK have an evolution of Skyward Sword’s; yet they’re all separated out.

help me understand the decision to not combine Majora’s Mask with OoT? many are literally the same assets. 

shirtless dude getting dragged face down across the ground into the bushes is serious commitment to the bit

Easygo. Sure they obfuscate their actual SOP with milquetoast startup jargon but those pictorial representations seem to portray exactly what they’re into.

Lol.  I just went to the site to check out it content and it hammers you with the gambling feeds.  

Imho, a gambling company masking itself as a general live-streaming company is pretty disingenuous.

I mean... from what I can see it is pretty clear, nobody has tried to hide anything.