
Isnt the point to demonstrate how much of your website is user generated content, and how easy it is for a a handful of users (all who are pissed at you) to lock shit down?

Turns out the cost to host a scalable website go way, *way* down when your website effectively shuts down. Who knew?!

Because they’re not worth it. One credible relevant series win on the world stage since 2018.

They switched over to a new server running Windows 95 and 8mb of RAM that the CEO found in a closet. That should be enough, right?

As a former ISP call centre employee nothing makes me angrier to see the suggestion to contact your ISP when there is an issue with a specific app. 

Yeah, logging into HBOMax and then just not having the application load at all, was frustrating and made me want to throw the app out all together.

Then, after moving to the new app, and having interactions not work at all how they worked with the previous app, ESPECIALLY when trying to get rid of the “Hey watch these

Tried the prompt in SDXL Beta and holy crap, this went off the rails.

Yeah I mean under studio lights, on a timer and having just no idea what the answer is you just want to put *something*.

How the hell has anyone (much less three people) nerdy enough to get onto Jeopardy never heard of Snow Crash/Neal Stephenson?

This reminds me of that one time Dunkey beat Sky in Smash.

Talks about billions of variations, only shows one LOL

Exactly, and it makes Christians furious.

So people get text alerts for companies who treat humans like humans, almost in a way that Jesus would? 

Part of me wants to sign up to hear about all the good things companies are doing.

Oh, for fuck’s sake...what’s the icon? A diaper, full of shit?

Jesus Fucking Christ...talk about butthurt assholes.

Just more proof of who the real snowflakes are.

Peepee poopoo

throw yours into the trash, then ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯

Holy shit, I can’t believe I’m seeing the Rule Against Perpetuities used in real life, and reported on in a Kotaku article no less! It was the bane of many a first-year property law student and has been abolished or replaced with something slightly less nonsensical in many jurisdictions. Nice to see it’s alive and

I love it. These right wing chuds have been doing the same things for decades and are now clutching their pearls on their fainting couches because someone did it against them.