
Seriously fuck your slideshows Kotaku.

Oh and a message to said bootlickers. Yes sir I’m talking to you.

Not as many lines as Snake, but I’m sure it was sizeable. She played a critical role in the story and was also part of the "radio team". In that capacity, she delivered a significant amount of story exposition as well as a number of optional conversations you can get by radioing her throughout the game.

Her character is, I would consider, a protagonist along with the player’s character. She’s not in every scene but she’s enough to make the role very memorable. I was maybe 19 when that game came out, I bought it before I had a playstation, and took it to a buddy’s house to play. Dan Zeigler’s suggestion of playing

In MGS you can contact at any time your support team or other NPCs for insight or simple conversation (all voiced) by using their frequency in the Codec. Naomi was one of these NPCs. She also appears in mandatory conversations throughout the story and plays a big role in some late story events.

Considering the game was done as a non-union job and everybody used pseudonyms, I’m not shocked to hear it also paid terribly. I hope the later games paid better but I also would not be shocked if they didn’t either.

Thank you for saying the quite part out loud. Every time I see one of these lists I think to myself “yeah, these are great cities to live in as a white cis male”. It is a real shame but speaks to the place our country is in where if you want to live somewhere inclusive, you are going to pay through the nose. 

Once you get east of the mountains in Washinton and Oregon, the local politics are much closer to Montana than their home state. There are fairly routine attempts by small groups for those eastern halves of the state to secede so they can form a new R dominated state without Seattle or Portland. 

Was in Rocky Mount VA last weekend. Unless you want to work in a window factory, there’s nothing else there. 

Wizards of the Coast did this not too long ago with their OGL “update”.

It’s been awhile since I’ve seen a company so thoroughly come out of nowhere and shoot itself in the foot as hard as Unity has. 

It just feels stupid making a stink about this. Like, professor Oak didn’t ask if you’re a boy or a girl for decades? Games with character customization never asked you if you wanted to make a male or female character? The only thing new about this choice is it’s increasingly being referred to as “body type” and

Nazi’s typically want to remove things they don’t like/agree with.

What a pathetic hill to die on. It’s literally a single option that can be completely ignored all together. Why have a mod that removes it?

Yeah, it’s a real weird thing to mod out. Are some people really so insecure that they can’t even stand the existence of the option?

Imagine being such an asshole that you need to a mod to remove a choice for you and only you that you weren’t going to make anyway just to make yourself feel better. 

Its the percentage not total. Specially since a lot of the overwatch ones are just review bombs

People need to stop using Twitter, there needs to be an alternative. It’s becoming nothing but propaganda and misinformation. (Not that I’m a fan of the NY Times, but my point stands)

It’s a glorified Excel spreadsheet, and people make spreadsheet software even though Excel exists, so Bethesda has no excuse.

Pay the modder for their work or bring them on board for a short term deal.