
I 100% believe that Tyson doesn’t remember anyone ever telling him about this but I also 100% believe that someone has.

In defeating the vile Dookies, Rocker threw the first no-hitter in Super Regionals history.

This story was not done right, where are you getting this shit? How they keep thinking they can do a Dark Phoenix heel turn without even properly building her up as Phoenix says all it really needs to. Can’t wait to see what Marvel can do with this property, as they know that these arcs take time and care to be

The freaking cartoon did this story right 25 years ago.

I think the people who want to see this story “done right” took one look at this movie and realized it ain't "done right."

More likely there were a bunch of skeptics who ordered it and while eating the real meat burgers, thinking they were the Impossible burger, they were saying, “Yuk! This is terrible! It tastes nothing like the real thing!”

It was natural until he got hip-checked, man. You fucked up in that you listened to Jeff Van Gundy and decided to run with it.

Baseball players are assholes. FTFY

Overly sensitive, but accuser is probably more accurate.

What treatment do you recommend the doctor administer to the dead woman?

this is not even the most popular gif of Alex Len in warmups

I hate to be “that guy” but I think she might have lifted some of those lines from the Emily Dickinson poem “Fart” is the thing that lingers.

You asked so kindly, so sure.

I think this guy is a pigeon. Even their username is a pigeon-sound.

They're just pigeons. 

Guys, I've found the pigeon.

I mean, doesnt every draft system reward incompetence? The NFL is the same way. The MLB is the same way. The worst teams get the higher draft picks

Again, I don’t think you’re necessarily wrong in your analysis—though, burning enemies who refuse to surrender/submit is categorically different from burning hundreds of thousands of unarmed peasants who’ve already surrendered, and in earlier seasons Daenerys was presented as somebody who regularly insisted on that

Not trying to create controversy here but it is unfortunate that Faze Cloak's response was to complain that Ninja wouldn't tell him what he was eating and then boast he was eating a delicious bacon sandwich. Given that Muslims don't eat bacon this came off pretty poorly. Could be Faze Cloak had no idea why Ninja was