
The movie had two goals. Both goals were achieved.

You’re that guy, aren’t you. I’ve heard about you.

How was the Ice Cream though? The people must know. 


I agreed to sit through roughly three hours of something I know very little about in exchange for ice cream. This should tell you everything about how I’ve chosen to structure my life.

i love marvel movies and equally love how absurd and pointless and campy they are. this review was a delight!

Stop making me love you even more.

I don’t see how it’s true. Some things, like Thanos’ first death, happen so quickly they’d be over before you have a chance to take a photo. Also, not ONE person sat around him told him to put his phone away, over those three hours?

One of them embraces uncanny valley in a good way.

The other one involves Sonic teeth.

Pikachu looks good

The thing about Mike Francesa is that he will say the same thing at least 15 times in a single segment. In a single segment, that is, he will say the same thing 15 times. 15 times. The same thing. 15 times. That’s really the thing. Saying the thing. 15 times. He says it. 15 times. Really, just listen to him. If you

Competitive game with prize money on the table. Far from being a “children’s card game” at that point.

I’ll never understand this kind of thing. Aldridge has been in the league 13 years and is a seven-time all star, but doesn’t know to foul down four with 30 seconds left unless he hears his coach tell him to? It doesn’t sound like a JR Amith situation where he didn’t know the score or time remaining, he just didn’t

This is the kind of thing that warms my cold dead black cynical heart.  

Totally not my issue with that scene. Love the female characters, but having all of them abandon their respective positions in the battle for a photoshoot felt hamfisted. Bro power is never really a thing, its heroes being heroes together. The fact that scene was so very clearly girl power oriented ironically

The citizens of Portland would argue that the team was cool 5 years ago but is totally mainstream now and lost their spirit.

imagine if she DIDN’T tell them where the truck was... and returned to ask them. She should’ve let them sweat it out a bit. Stealing it back was genius.

Should an adult really need to be told not to take a customer’s car for their own errands?

I mean, the schlub at the bottom used her truck for a Lowe’s run. He deserved to be fired.

Wow, the dealership took responsibility. I did not see that coming.