
It’s almost as if people like you live on another planet.

I mean, doesnt every draft system reward incompetence? The NFL is the same way. The MLB is the same way. The worst teams get the higher draft picks

Again, I don’t think you’re necessarily wrong in your analysis—though, burning enemies who refuse to surrender/submit is categorically different from burning hundreds of thousands of unarmed peasants who’ve already surrendered, and in earlier seasons Daenerys was presented as somebody who regularly insisted on that

im not really sure i would be that generous. The bacon thing is kind of low level dickishness to muslims, so its pretty likely he was intending that one.

Nice strawman but it’s clear you know nothing about the game or are just projecting your shitty gameplay onto others. 

Not trying to create controversy here but it is unfortunate that Faze Cloak's response was to complain that Ninja wouldn't tell him what he was eating and then boast he was eating a delicious bacon sandwich. Given that Muslims don't eat bacon this came off pretty poorly. Could be Faze Cloak had no idea why Ninja was

The movie had two goals. Both goals were achieved.

You’re that guy, aren’t you. I’ve heard about you.

How was the Ice Cream though? The people must know. 


I agreed to sit through roughly three hours of something I know very little about in exchange for ice cream. This should tell you everything about how I’ve chosen to structure my life.

i love marvel movies and equally love how absurd and pointless and campy they are. this review was a delight!

Stop making me love you even more.

I don’t see how it’s true. Some things, like Thanos’ first death, happen so quickly they’d be over before you have a chance to take a photo. Also, not ONE person sat around him told him to put his phone away, over those three hours?

How about you don’t be an ass?

I have no idea how you can possibly describe anything I said as being an ass. Like, none. I have no idea where this kind of hostility comes from.

One of them embraces uncanny valley in a good way.

The other one involves Sonic teeth.

Pikachu looks good

Competitive game with prize money on the table. Far from being a “children’s card game” at that point.