
That’s okay. The C’s can just use their No.1 overall pick in the draft to get a guy as good as LeBron for next year. That’s how this works, right?

This just proves that is the worst possible response.

Someday we’re going to look back at headlines like “The Lakers get the chance to draft Lavar Ball’s son” and laugh and laugh and laugh.

Playing Street Fighter 2 on the Switch: Cool!

I’m gonna disagree, as I know how many times I’ve been in a situation where I’ve wanted nothing more than to just be able to move something a few inches one way or another.

Jubilee confirmed!!!!!!

Yeah the definite way to level the playing field is for the oppressed to bite their tongues

He’s already Optimus Dime!

What are you guys in the comments fussing about?

Right? I go to work. Come home. Mind my own business and read news about how I am the worst type of human being because I was born a white-male.

Ok, come on, you can’t have it both ways on this one. Either saying an entire gender is trash is hate speech, or it’s not. Just because we don’t like the particular men who have been complaining doesn’t make “men are trash” a productive sentiment. And the way to fix “millennia of oppression” is not to normalize the

“Men are trash” is simply not the same thing as sexist attacks on women, because you don’t face the systemic oppression that makes sexist slurs so toxic

He’s an interior run-stopper who can’t rush the passer. Basically makes him a one- or two-down player, which has little value in today’s (pass-happy) NFL.

Nerf Now had a fun little Metroid storyline

Based off your assessment of Olynyk, you don’t watch basketball

The third worst crime he’s ever committed.

I feel like you’re burying the “Aaron Hernandez quoted Savage Garden in his suicide note” lede here.

Reminds me of Bushido Blade, everything rests on one good cut.