
Just my childless teacher 2 cents, so take with a grain of salt. If you (as a woman) define your life as a #boymom, it makes my life as said boy's teacher a bit difficult.  These boys, as middle schoolers, are very emotional that their teacher doesn't adore them with the intensity of their mom.  I genuinely like most

Exactly. #Boymom is the precursor to “Boys will be boys.”

My Mom had all girls and “boy moms” used to annoy her so much. They all seemed to assume that being loud, messy, and roughhousing was something only boys did. She would frequently point out that my sisters and I did all of those things (especially the story where my middle sister and I were fighting and fell onto the

I once read some interview with one of the show’s writers that said Doherty was the writing room’s favorite because she was a pro who would always inflect the line exactly as written, and that a lot of the cast hate for her was founded in petty jealousy for how good she was at her job. She had a photographic memory,

I believe it’s called acid and you buy it in little squares of paper.

I go in for peanut butter, leave with paint for my kid, remember she needs pull ups for at night (almost done please god), oh shoot do we have milk?, rawhide for the dogs, I should make cupcakes, I totally need these learning toys from the dollar spot (educational AND fun), did I take out the chicken? Better grab some

When I’ve had a rough day and I come home and my 75 pound dog jumps on me, I take a step back, put my hands behind my back, look her in the eyes and say “No.” in a calm but firm manner.

Multiple copies of a staple item is a key move. As I enter my 40's I’ve decided that my look is going to be “washed-up dad in the islands”, so I just bought several linen shirts in solid colors and two pairs of neutral linen pants. Gets me through the whole summer.

summer mode

It is an internet crime for this article to not have a photo. 

Naw, that’s literally you. Come from poverty and still manage to care about both humans and dogs, and absolutely would not abuse one. Maybe it’s regional, or cultural, or -al I can’t think of off the top of my head. Not trying to make you feel bad or anything here, just don’t want to be lumped in that.

But it’s not a

That video is disgusting and is absolutely abusive. I can’t believe I’m agreeing with a Paul but her shift into angry, abuse mode and the look on her face is really chilling. She is so violent and spiteful to that poor dog who confused, just responds with love and playfulness, it’s heartbreaking. It’s the kind of

When I was pregnant while working at a GOVERNMENT agency, my female boss was horrible to me. I asked to work from home for the last two weeks before my due date, because others got that perk, and here is her response:

HR Professional here, and I’m going to be a downer (as usual). There’s a lot of politics at the level that she’s talking. I doubt very much she’s midlevel professional.

For all the average Janes that are expecting or trying to get pregnant, I cannot stress enough to document every thing related to your performance and

Is having to go back on a probationary period on a job that you are already working common? The company I worked for has been through acquisitions and mergers 3 times now, and at no point was I ever bumped back to “probationary” status. I kept my PTO, benefits changed a little but were still there.. etc..

The problem is that now their insurance will probably lapse, and any planned vacation they may have already had will probably not be honored.

Yes, cheering on the World Cup team is the exact same thing as supporting barbaric immigration policies, climate/LGBTQ protection rollbacks, etc. TY for pointing that out.

Employees signed contracts that include a three-month period with zero benefits, paid time off, and further employment dependent on evaluations of their work

“Do not cause a scene or complain openly in the workspace” sounds WAY too close to an EEOC violation for comfort. 

I love how mad people are getting over these women, who are literally at the top of their game, daring to be proud of what they’re accomplishing.