
Of course it’s a real condition. A friend of mine burned out from trying to single-handedly run the business she’d launched for 2 years, after her initial partner quickly left to another country. Basically it was too successful, so she barely took any vacation time and felt obligated to her “baby” (aka her company).

I work in veterinary medicine and we have to take a yearly course on how to identify and treat burnout in ourselves and also how to recognize it in our coworkers. It’s been helpful and vital to me and I think pretty much any field could use the same requirement.

Here to say A) Yes, good. Burnout is real. And B) Thanks for the work you do, Lauren and all the Jez crew... your work makes our work more bearable. Wishing you some nice paid time off and a minimum 10% raise this coming fiscal year!

Of course she knew. It was clear from the onset. She was asked to pose for fake rowing photos, for goodness sake.

Community college is for poors, don't ya know?

If she was really interested in her education, she could find a good community college, do well there and transfer to a university after a couple of years. I’m guessing that won’t happen.

She's checking in on her parents to see how their money is doing. Duh!

This story really illustrates how rich people live in a different version of America from the rest of us.

Donate the Always pads to a shelter or a school. 

When my ex confessed that he never loved me and never wanted to be with me and only said what I wanted to hear to be in a relationship with me, I gave him back literally everything he gave me. All the way down to a newspaper article he tore out for me to the gloves his parents bought me to the flowers he gave me.

I’ve got no plans for divorce, but I have to admit I have a mental apartment where everything is just so and just how I want it and his stupid table/dustcatcher is nowhere to be found.

What surprises me is that the book was a rewriting of her Oxford doctoral dissertation, which means this fundamental error, which undercuts the premise of her book, made it past her thesis advisor and her viva/doctoral defense.

As a quilter-adjacent personage, I have been sternly advised if the fabric scissors were ever used to cut something they were not designed to cut, I would have to pay to have them professionally resharpened. Seeing how much that cost made me exclaim, “But what it’s just a pair of scissors.

That’s like making a hockey pun for an article about tennis.

My boyfriend picked up my fabric scissors to open a package a few months ago and in retrospect he might not have needed to hear quite so much about ever ruined pair of fabric scissors I’ve ever owned to get my point but boy, he really gets it now!

...I know you are trying to be cute, but something deep within me needs you to know that knitters and quilters are very different people and not equate them. 

As a quilter and sewer I literally assumed this was going to be drama of someone using someone else’s fabric scissors on non fabric and I want you to know that in my head I thought war was FULLY justified just based on that.

This is one Karen I can get behind